So let me explain to you something, I've lost my keys on 3 accounts, and now 4.
1. keys locked in car, no big deal
2. keys locked in car, while ignition is running, BIG deal but its ok because:
3. keys locked just in car, no big deal again
4. keys locked in trunk, with my purse, school ID, wallet, room-key, and phone. BIG DEAL. oh and did I mention my trunk-release was locked, so the valet extra key couldn't open it? Super big deal.
but you know what? It happens. I need to start thinking, better yet I need an attachment to me keys, like handcuffed to them so I never leave them or lay them down anywhere.
You know what else? God is good, and the honda place was able to make me a key and my mom was free and drove it out to me.
I am blessed beyond belief. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Crossing my fingers for cancellation of classes tomorrow, it's suppose to snow. It will be way too cold for me to walk to class so I am hoping to get to stay warm in bed all day.
Have a great week!
♥ Loveee.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday Favorites & my not so favorites ♥
-Salon hair washes, it's like they are trained to make you feel wonderful when washing your hair, I would trade it for a shower any day. (not to mention the way my stylists massages my neck with leftover conditioner, it feels like perfection) if thats weird, Im sorry its true.
-Cupcake flavored ice-cream with real cupcake batter, imagine the deliciousness.
-A cup of coffee at 5:30 in the evening.
-Voicemails saying I love you have a wonderful day.
-Breakfast egg bagels from Einstein's.
-Seasonal headbands in the Target dollar spot.
-Gaining fashion inspiration just by walking across campus, people are so creative with clothes. It's pure art.
-Living an hour away from home and having the ability to just go home relax, do laundry, nothing better than being where you came from.
-Shirts on sale when you've been eyeing it for weeks!
Not so favorites:
-Traffic at 12 in the afternoon, and to improve this matter, traffic for about an hour longer than usual.
-Racing home to see someone and realize you just missed them.
-The teasing warm weather causing much anticipation for spring!
- Cravings for only sweet foods.
-Bruised bananas.
-School, and the homework, and having to drop a class blah.
-Disappointing people unintentionally.
-Zits, will they ever go away?
-Boyfriend having a grown up job, I hate that he works around the clock but I know its selfish of me ha.
Needless to say, it has been a disaster of a week and I couldn't be more thankful to God that it was a beautiful day and I am sitting at home on a friday night enjoying a cup of coffee.
Have an amazing weekend!
-Salon hair washes, it's like they are trained to make you feel wonderful when washing your hair, I would trade it for a shower any day. (not to mention the way my stylists massages my neck with leftover conditioner, it feels like perfection) if thats weird, Im sorry its true.
-Cupcake flavored ice-cream with real cupcake batter, imagine the deliciousness.
-A cup of coffee at 5:30 in the evening.
-Voicemails saying I love you have a wonderful day.
-Breakfast egg bagels from Einstein's.
-Seasonal headbands in the Target dollar spot.
-Gaining fashion inspiration just by walking across campus, people are so creative with clothes. It's pure art.
-Living an hour away from home and having the ability to just go home relax, do laundry, nothing better than being where you came from.
-Shirts on sale when you've been eyeing it for weeks!
Via |
Not so favorites:
-Traffic at 12 in the afternoon, and to improve this matter, traffic for about an hour longer than usual.
-Racing home to see someone and realize you just missed them.
-The teasing warm weather causing much anticipation for spring!
- Cravings for only sweet foods.
-Bruised bananas.
-School, and the homework, and having to drop a class blah.
-Disappointing people unintentionally.
-Zits, will they ever go away?
-Boyfriend having a grown up job, I hate that he works around the clock but I know its selfish of me ha.
Needless to say, it has been a disaster of a week and I couldn't be more thankful to God that it was a beautiful day and I am sitting at home on a friday night enjoying a cup of coffee.
Have an amazing weekend!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Renewed with each morning
So yesterday I mentioned that I felt my stress was equivalent to a boulder smashing into a building. Wellllll..disregard that. Yesterday was more the boulder rolling and today is when it hit. This week has been a down-hill spiral, every time I think the stress is gone, something else appears to be wrong. School is getting the best of me for sure, so much so that all I do is babble about it to where the people I want to talk to the most can't even talk to me, they are talking to a walking babbling about stress/school robot. That is not who I am, nor who I want to be. Blah is my feeling. Then I realize what I was doing and sat down and thought why I am dwelling on it if it is all taken care of. I was reminded that tomorrow is a new day, and God's mercies are new every morning. I am certain tomorrow that his mercies are renewed as well as my focus shifted, and my priorities in line.
Lamentations 3:22b-23
"His compassions never fail, they are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness"
Great is his faithfulness, because without it where would I be?
♥ Loveee.
Lamentations 3:22b-23
"His compassions never fail, they are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness"
Great is his faithfulness, because without it where would I be?
♥ Loveee.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
stressed is my first name today.
Confession: I have woke up everyday this morning feeling exceptionally well and wonderful. The only part is my body and brain have felt so scared and stressed.
I overlooked this fact and refused to let myself be stressed so early in the game, however of course it got to me today. It hit me hard too, tears and all. Everyone has class and boyfriend is working, and mom is in New York not picking up her phone. So here I am trying to wash away the stress with a season of friends and a hot hot shower. I need to drop a class, as soon as possible. It was like a realization of oh my goodness I'm gonna fail, oh but I have to switch classes, and buy new books, and sell the ones I do have.
and then the Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hit like a boulder smashing into a building.
Needing strength so very much lately, and the weekend is in reach so hoping for a good rest of the week and prayers for it to be solved.
cause to be honest, confession #2
There is nothing more right now that I want to do than drive home, and crawl into my bed.
I know I'm a baby, but I don't care.
Hope everyone else's week are looking brighter than mine, and hoping mine will perk up!
♥ Loveee.
I overlooked this fact and refused to let myself be stressed so early in the game, however of course it got to me today. It hit me hard too, tears and all. Everyone has class and boyfriend is working, and mom is in New York not picking up her phone. So here I am trying to wash away the stress with a season of friends and a hot hot shower. I need to drop a class, as soon as possible. It was like a realization of oh my goodness I'm gonna fail, oh but I have to switch classes, and buy new books, and sell the ones I do have.
and then the Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hit like a boulder smashing into a building.
Needing strength so very much lately, and the weekend is in reach so hoping for a good rest of the week and prayers for it to be solved.
cause to be honest, confession #2
There is nothing more right now that I want to do than drive home, and crawl into my bed.
I know I'm a baby, but I don't care.
Hope everyone else's week are looking brighter than mine, and hoping mine will perk up!
♥ Loveee.
Monday, January 24, 2011
To my twin,
Happy Birthday to my oldest sister, who has always been known as my twin. I love you so much, and even though your in Midland I hope you feel loved and blessed today. I have enjoyed all the time that we have got to spend together recently, and If I had to pick someone in my life who just understood me with even just from a facial expression, it would most definitely be her. She has two of the cutest kids in the world, and another one on the way! You should know that she is absolutely beautiful, and has a giant heart that is strong enough to fight any battle that stands in her way. She is completely true to herself in every area of her life. She understands better than anyone I have ever met, and approaches life with a free spirit and a non-judgmental mindset. She has always took me under her wing, and cared for me as her little sister, as well as a best friend. I love her to death, and never ever fail to not have fun when around her, even if it's just laying on the couch, coffee in hand. She makes for the best conversation and an amazing sister. So heres to my favorite blondie, fantastic, beautiful, twin! Love you so much!
Weekend Recap.
My weekend was so wonderful and full of some of my favorite people in the world. I am already counting down the days until I can go home this weekend and spend some quality time with the family, but for now here is a quick recap of what my lovely weekend looked like.
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A rodeo filled with animals, neon roping cowboys, and of course time with my favorite. |
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Little brother had a basketball game saturday morning, and he did so awesome! |
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He scored over half the points, Go bubba! |
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Celebrate Mom's birthday. ♥ Loveeee. |
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Honestly, I was thinking about how I wanted to blog all day, and on my hour long drive back to school…
but now I am too tired. So I will leave you with this quote that this quote site had for me tonight, that I think me and my boyfriend agreed completely describes me.
"I’m lonely. Why do you think I had to learn to act so independent? I also get mad too quickly, and I hog the covers, and my second toe is longer than my big one. My hair has it’s own zip code. Plus, I get certifiably crazy when I’ve got PMS. You don’t love someone because they’re perfect. You love them in spite of the fact that they’re not."
minus the second toe part, because its not true.
Anyways, I will update tomorrow with some real news besides this.
but now I am too tired. So I will leave you with this quote that this quote site had for me tonight, that I think me and my boyfriend agreed completely describes me.
"I’m lonely. Why do you think I had to learn to act so independent? I also get mad too quickly, and I hog the covers, and my second toe is longer than my big one. My hair has it’s own zip code. Plus, I get certifiably crazy when I’ve got PMS. You don’t love someone because they’re perfect. You love them in spite of the fact that they’re not."
minus the second toe part, because its not true.
Anyways, I will update tomorrow with some real news besides this.
p.s. I think I found my other half, I really do. You can choose to ignore this fact and state I am too young, but I am gonna stand by it until it proves me wrong.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Happy Birthday to the hero.
Today is a very special day for my momma, who by the way must be getting pampered because she hasn't answered one of my phone calls today. She happens to be the most selfless person in my life whether I notice it or not, she has continuously proved this true. She truly is a hero, and I am not just saying it for my sake but for everyone who knows her. She is headstrong for the better and stands tall for everything she believes in. She will fight for her family even if we may not always be right. She will stop anything in her day to take 5 minutes to make sure your doing ok. If anyone deserves a break on their birthday, she does. I promise you every time I go home she takes time to either go shopping, eat lunch, or offers a pedicure. She spoils me to death but I am so grateful for everything she does for me. I have grown so accustomed to being the only girl left in the house and her coming home to say "I need to relax, come on let's go to the mall". I have adapted shopping as a therapy due to her, but she taught me to always shop on bargains. I love spending time with her, and I have days where all I want to do is be around my mom. She is such a joy and can light up a room with her radiant smile. She will put aside anything for the people that surround her. She is so precious in my life and I don't know what I would do without her. I cannot thank her enough for all she does for me as a mother. She is a mom, friend, daughter, sister, role model, grandma, aunt, and a wife. She finds time to be each one of those and it amazes me everything she still has time to do on the side. Most of you do not know my mother, but she can lay down wood floors, build beds, design a house, and sew anything. Not to mention she has amazing maternal instincts that are on the side like caring, loving, encouraging, and cooking. Supermom? yes. Moms have this way about them that I have recently discovered enthralling. They have this unconditional love for their children. No matter what the child does in return, yell, act out, rebel, the mom has the stable ability to stand strong with an open heart and let their children run back at any moment. It is such an amazing blessing to watch my mom be this amazing influence in my life, all my other family as well, and in so many other people's life that surround her. I wish I understood all this sooner, because then I would have been able to appreciate her so much more, but now I know and can't seem to show enough love that matches her unending conditional love for me. So here is to my beautiful mom with amazing style and the biggest strongest heart I have ever seen in anyone. Happy Birthday to most wonderful mom I have been blessed with, I love you with everything in me.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Mom.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Endorphins & Interruptions?
Today was one of those days where so far is so good, then something happens and you become all flustered for no reason. I really disregarded the fact I had a lab today because I thought why go if we don't have homework. I then found out quick enough that it has nothing to do with homework, its more of a go work on your own and earn 25% of the grade kind of the thing. Soooo after thinking I was done with class for the day, I finally got my books, went to Walmart for supplies, and was planning to workout and then do homework. This is actually how it happened:
-3 classes that entitled me busy from 9-12
-books (took forever)
-Walmart for school supplies
***Interruption ( you have a lab today in an hour, you should probably show up phone call)
- Lab which lasted exactly 20 minutes of my time & then I decided to leave.
- workout, which by the way it is 5 'o'clock by now
- Dinner @ 6ish
- by 7:30 I was sitting down to read 27 pages about rhetorics & feeling extra wiped out
Me and Boyfran have had no time to talk today and I am now best friends with his voicemail, which is making me so ready to see his cute face this weekend. I am trying to force myself to be positive about going back into school mode, however I can't lie that I am already counting down the days until Valentines Day, Spring Break, and well Summer. Too soon? yeah I know depressing. So much for optimism. No, but really crossing my fingers if I keep workouts up I will be able to endure stress & get some endorphins released into the body so I will feel better all around. We shall see.
-3 classes that entitled me busy from 9-12
-books (took forever)
-Walmart for school supplies
***Interruption ( you have a lab today in an hour, you should probably show up phone call)
- Lab which lasted exactly 20 minutes of my time & then I decided to leave.
- workout, which by the way it is 5 'o'clock by now
- Dinner @ 6ish
- by 7:30 I was sitting down to read 27 pages about rhetorics & feeling extra wiped out
Me and Boyfran have had no time to talk today and I am now best friends with his voicemail, which is making me so ready to see his cute face this weekend. I am trying to force myself to be positive about going back into school mode, however I can't lie that I am already counting down the days until Valentines Day, Spring Break, and well Summer. Too soon? yeah I know depressing. So much for optimism. No, but really crossing my fingers if I keep workouts up I will be able to endure stress & get some endorphins released into the body so I will feel better all around. We shall see.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
School is starting today, and I am not quite ready to return to reality. This gloomy sky lurking over me isn't helping either. However, today I woke up to a lovely phone call from my boyfriend as he was headed off to work and was reminded of what a wonderful day it really could be if I allowed it to be. So I grabbed my devotion book, asked for strength from God because the Lord knows I need it, and rolled out of bed. I want this semester to be a blast, and I also want to find something that makes me have passion about the class so I will be more interested. Praying my focus will be as strong as last semester, but I can only do my best. I hope everyone has a wonderful week as they are going back to school, work, or reality in general.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Home is where I want to be.
It's days like this where I want to stand tall in front of you and remind you who I am. I want to remind you that you used to say "I feel like I could spend every minute with you". Now it is more of "I am hanging out with you tomorrow, sooo I'm gonna hang out with this person tonight". I want lazy days back where they blurred together but we always left completely content. I don't like the drifting, not one bit. It doesn't help that it was a rainy gloomy day. I am packing to go back to school and it's honestly the last thing I want to be doing. It only adds that my sister and her family headed out to Midland permanently this morning. I couldn't look at anyone in the eye for fear of exposing real emotions that needed to be sparred from everyone. I tried to fight every emotion in my body today, and the rain only seemed to bring it out more. However, at the end of the day turns out all I need is a good cry and a big bed to crawl into.
Via |
Friday, January 14, 2011
Over already?
Break has 3 full days left, then I have to get back into the groove of school again. It's nice though because there are several things to be looking forward to like valentines day, spring break, birthdays, new baby, & summer! Plenty of stuff to keep me going this semester. Im spending the next 2 days getting lunch with people and enjoying these last moments with sister and her family before they move. I cannot wait for a lovely lunch at La Madeline's today, its such a quaint little place. Enjoy the rest of your break, and I promise I'll be a better blogger as soon as I get refocused again.
"I see it all now that your gone"
"I was the one you always dreamed of,
You were the one I tried to draw.
How dare you say it's nothing to me?
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw."
I remember pulling up to your driveway that day and thinking I will never get over you. I knew I had no other choice but to walk away once and for all. It was the scariest thing I had ever done. I knew what heartbreak felt like already with you, and I knew It was only going to get worse as I turned around and didn't look back. I handed you that letter that explained things in writing, I could not say to your face. I drove away and deleted any contact information I had within my phone. I told myself if I did that, there would be no trace of you. Of course I failed to realize it was only on the surface. My heart was aching to hear the words "I miss you", whether people could see it behind my laughing mouth or not. I became stronger with every minute passing and your remains slowly disappeared with each coming day. It wasn't something I had to do, it was something I wanted to do. I didn't do it because I hated you, I didn't do it because I loved you. I did it because I believed in you more than anything else. This was a situation where I couldn't watch your light go out that I had continually built up. I knew if I didn't leave then the heartbreak wouldn't just be about walking away, but more about watching you fall. Sometimes I still feel the need to reach my hands out and grab you out of the mess. I remember I walked away though, I didn't want to clean up the mess. I wanted to help you, love you, and show you how much potential that you refused to reveal to anyone else. I didn't make this mess, you did. I don't owe you a word either because the second I say something, the second I become involved. I start to reach out for you and expect you to grab back but I pull my hand back in whenever your about to grab on. Reality kicks in and I look to left and to my right and remember how happy I am, how I have the people around me that see me in all my faults and love me even me for them. You never appreciated that, there was always something I didn't do enough of. I've spent way too much time guarding my heart from you when I should have been able to show you my faith in you without it being abused. You can't tell me I don't care, and you can't tell me I never did. You know I cared more than anyone ever could. I need the person beside me now who cares the same amount and more back. I put up a wall because of you but he was actually tear it down, he tried, he fought for me. That was something you never tried to do. When I saidI was done, you didn't run after until it was too late and I didn't see it until you were gone. I realized this when one came to me and laid a kiss on my cheek and told me not to worry because he was not gonna hurt me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight to let me know he was there through the hurt and through everything we would face. He didn't know what he was getting into, but he knew he wanted to be apart of it. I can look in his eyes and know he sees the future the way I do. I need that reassuring love. I'm growing up, so please understand, there's a place in my heart for you but I need you to stay there and only there. I was too young for you, I was naive and had built up fantasies. So I am saying sorry even though I don't need too. I am sorry for not picking up the phone, and ignoring your blank stares but I'm good and you don't need to worry. I've got people who love me, I've got people watching my back, and I most of all I am finally happy. You always said I'll support you if your happy, well prove it.
"Well I stopped picking up and this song is to let you know why
I see it all now that you're gone, Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress cried the whole way home, I should have known
Well maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame
Maybe it's you and you're sick need to give love and take it away
And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand
And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said run as fast as you can
You are an expert at "sorry" and keeping lines blurry
Never impressed by me acing your tests, All the girls that you've run dry have tired, lifeless eyes
Cause you burned them out, But I took your matches before fire could catch me
So don't look now
I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town"
You were the one I tried to draw.
How dare you say it's nothing to me?
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw."
I remember pulling up to your driveway that day and thinking I will never get over you. I knew I had no other choice but to walk away once and for all. It was the scariest thing I had ever done. I knew what heartbreak felt like already with you, and I knew It was only going to get worse as I turned around and didn't look back. I handed you that letter that explained things in writing, I could not say to your face. I drove away and deleted any contact information I had within my phone. I told myself if I did that, there would be no trace of you. Of course I failed to realize it was only on the surface. My heart was aching to hear the words "I miss you", whether people could see it behind my laughing mouth or not. I became stronger with every minute passing and your remains slowly disappeared with each coming day. It wasn't something I had to do, it was something I wanted to do. I didn't do it because I hated you, I didn't do it because I loved you. I did it because I believed in you more than anything else. This was a situation where I couldn't watch your light go out that I had continually built up. I knew if I didn't leave then the heartbreak wouldn't just be about walking away, but more about watching you fall. Sometimes I still feel the need to reach my hands out and grab you out of the mess. I remember I walked away though, I didn't want to clean up the mess. I wanted to help you, love you, and show you how much potential that you refused to reveal to anyone else. I didn't make this mess, you did. I don't owe you a word either because the second I say something, the second I become involved. I start to reach out for you and expect you to grab back but I pull my hand back in whenever your about to grab on. Reality kicks in and I look to left and to my right and remember how happy I am, how I have the people around me that see me in all my faults and love me even me for them. You never appreciated that, there was always something I didn't do enough of. I've spent way too much time guarding my heart from you when I should have been able to show you my faith in you without it being abused. You can't tell me I don't care, and you can't tell me I never did. You know I cared more than anyone ever could. I need the person beside me now who cares the same amount and more back. I put up a wall because of you but he was actually tear it down, he tried, he fought for me. That was something you never tried to do. When I saidI was done, you didn't run after until it was too late and I didn't see it until you were gone. I realized this when one came to me and laid a kiss on my cheek and told me not to worry because he was not gonna hurt me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight to let me know he was there through the hurt and through everything we would face. He didn't know what he was getting into, but he knew he wanted to be apart of it. I can look in his eyes and know he sees the future the way I do. I need that reassuring love. I'm growing up, so please understand, there's a place in my heart for you but I need you to stay there and only there. I was too young for you, I was naive and had built up fantasies. So I am saying sorry even though I don't need too. I am sorry for not picking up the phone, and ignoring your blank stares but I'm good and you don't need to worry. I've got people who love me, I've got people watching my back, and I most of all I am finally happy. You always said I'll support you if your happy, well prove it.
"Well I stopped picking up and this song is to let you know why
I see it all now that you're gone, Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress cried the whole way home, I should have known
Well maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame
Maybe it's you and you're sick need to give love and take it away
And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand
And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said run as fast as you can
You are an expert at "sorry" and keeping lines blurry
Never impressed by me acing your tests, All the girls that you've run dry have tired, lifeless eyes
Cause you burned them out, But I took your matches before fire could catch me
So don't look now
I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town"
"Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?"
♥ Loveeee.
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?"
♥ Loveeee.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Skiing lessons learned.
I apologize for the lack of posts lately, but appreciate the comments & patience. I went on a little vacation. Actually I take that back, little would be an understatement. I went on a wonderful, cold, fun, yet laid-back vacation. I went with my best friends family and their friends. I am not much for leaving home on break, however this was way worth it. We headed out last thursday to Amarillo, TX and then the next morning to Angel fire, New Mexico. We went on a ski trip, and they rented this beautiful cabin on a snowy hill. It was a wonderful getaway involving good food, long days filled with skiing, lounging, and card playing. I loved getting to go on a trip with friends, it was so much fun! I'm not much of a skier but after four days, I might have it down. Now we will see if I can keep it up until next time! I did learn a few things as well on this little trip.
1. Ski clothes don't pack easy
2. Ski clothes are not stylish, which was a continuous bothersome problem for me.
3. Stopping while skiing is key and turning, and knowing some more how to stop.
oh and I might add that fear and skiing don't mix, you just gotta go for it. Unfortunately I learned that the hard way ha.
Break has been great and the trip only made it better. Reality is coming soon and I am not ready to face it. Until then I'll be relaxing, shopping some more, and hanging out with the my loves. Heres a few of my favorites from the trip:
1. Ski clothes don't pack easy
2. Ski clothes are not stylish, which was a continuous bothersome problem for me.
3. Stopping while skiing is key and turning, and knowing some more how to stop.
oh and I might add that fear and skiing don't mix, you just gotta go for it. Unfortunately I learned that the hard way ha.
Break has been great and the trip only made it better. Reality is coming soon and I am not ready to face it. Until then I'll be relaxing, shopping some more, and hanging out with the my loves. Heres a few of my favorites from the trip:
Loveeeee. ♥
Monday, January 3, 2011
Shopping Junkie?
I think so. I can't seem to get myself to stay home except for a few hours at a time. I then occupy my time with seasons of Boy Meets World or Pushing Daisies. I finished 3 seasons of bmw and I have to go by the rest before I can continue. My boyfriends mom introduced me to Pushing Daisies because she thought I would like it. She was most definitely right and I finished season 1 in 2 1/2 days. oops. I was a little glued to the couch and have been eating terribly, but I did manage to clean my room and help my mom take down Christmas.
Anyways, sorry to ramble. Not the reason I wrote this post.
I wrote this post to let you know that besides watching seasons and cleaning. The time that I am not in the house, I am shopping. Not only am I shopping but it seems all I have been buying is sweaters. It's winter and all but I think I am obsessed in 2 areas. It's like the only think I can think to do when I am bored or out. I just think oh I'll go the mall..for the 2nd time today or 3rd. It's really bad but it's ok. Gap has been having the cutest sale and I've boughten at least 4 sweaters, at least I know I'll be warm for a long while. Sweaters kind of make feel grown up anyways, and I have been driving my moms pilot. So I throw my hair in a ponytail, put on a watch, and feel all grown. I am sure you are all laughing that I am saying that but give it a try. Guaranteed you will feel the sophistication I'm talking about. Have a great night.
Loveee. ♥
[via] |
Anyways, sorry to ramble. Not the reason I wrote this post.
I wrote this post to let you know that besides watching seasons and cleaning. The time that I am not in the house, I am shopping. Not only am I shopping but it seems all I have been buying is sweaters. It's winter and all but I think I am obsessed in 2 areas. It's like the only think I can think to do when I am bored or out. I just think oh I'll go the mall..for the 2nd time today or 3rd. It's really bad but it's ok. Gap has been having the cutest sale and I've boughten at least 4 sweaters, at least I know I'll be warm for a long while. Sweaters kind of make feel grown up anyways, and I have been driving my moms pilot. So I throw my hair in a ponytail, put on a watch, and feel all grown. I am sure you are all laughing that I am saying that but give it a try. Guaranteed you will feel the sophistication I'm talking about. Have a great night.
Loveee. ♥
Saturday, January 1, 2011
2011, I believe in you.
When most people thing new year, they think new you/me. I don't think you need to change yourself in a new year, but I do think you make adjustments and do the things you once said you would and didn't. It is like making improvements on the next year, you can't go wrong. If your always taking each year and just improving it every time, then it can just get better. 2011 is going to be awesome, I can feel it.
I had some of the best times of course in 2010. I was sitting trying to recap and I just thought how I spent so much time with my boyfriend, but I also grew closer than ever with my family. It's crazy how that works out. Not only that but I feel like I grew up so much, funny I know saying that and I am only a freshman in college. It's true though, I just felt like when August rolled around, it was time to grow up. I had to step up and no one was telling me what to do. Of course, I could have done whatever I wanted but I chose to do good and follow the right footsteps. I had my downfalls but everything was worth it. I am thankful to God that I am still here and he allowed me to be able to be here on the first day of the new year.
2011 Resolutions, I never really keep up with these that well but this year I would like to call them Goals, sounds much more pressured to me. I work better under pressure.
So here they are my 2011 Goals:
-Live life, broaden my horizons, just to see what other's see
-Others come first, I come second. This means no expecting anything back.
-Stop caring what others think so much, it has gotten so bad it kind of dictates what I do sometimes.
-Embrace the time I have with people while they are still here.
-Walk within God's footsteps everyday. This will be hard, but I have a forgiving God I am glad I can run to at any moment.
& on a less serious note some silly funny things,
-Stop biting my nails, it's bad.
-work out consistently, this is soo hard. I want to start today but I don't want to be there with all the other crazy people who made the same resolution.
-see all the movies that I write down on my list and forget about.
-I want long hair. So bad. This can't really be a goal because it grows at it's pace but maybe I'll straighten my hair less and well who knows.
Hey 2011, I believe in you.
Can't wait to see what you've got in store.
I had some of the best times of course in 2010. I was sitting trying to recap and I just thought how I spent so much time with my boyfriend, but I also grew closer than ever with my family. It's crazy how that works out. Not only that but I feel like I grew up so much, funny I know saying that and I am only a freshman in college. It's true though, I just felt like when August rolled around, it was time to grow up. I had to step up and no one was telling me what to do. Of course, I could have done whatever I wanted but I chose to do good and follow the right footsteps. I had my downfalls but everything was worth it. I am thankful to God that I am still here and he allowed me to be able to be here on the first day of the new year.
2011 Resolutions, I never really keep up with these that well but this year I would like to call them Goals, sounds much more pressured to me. I work better under pressure.
So here they are my 2011 Goals:
-Live life, broaden my horizons, just to see what other's see
-Others come first, I come second. This means no expecting anything back.
-Stop caring what others think so much, it has gotten so bad it kind of dictates what I do sometimes.
-Embrace the time I have with people while they are still here.
-Walk within God's footsteps everyday. This will be hard, but I have a forgiving God I am glad I can run to at any moment.
& on a less serious note some silly funny things,
-Stop biting my nails, it's bad.
-work out consistently, this is soo hard. I want to start today but I don't want to be there with all the other crazy people who made the same resolution.
-see all the movies that I write down on my list and forget about.
-I want long hair. So bad. This can't really be a goal because it grows at it's pace but maybe I'll straighten my hair less and well who knows.
Hey 2011, I believe in you.
Can't wait to see what you've got in store.
A toast to the new year,
I wanted to ring in the new year big this year. I wanted to wear that sparkly dress and the blue heels, and diamond stud earrings and have the time of my life. Yeah Yeah you got the picture. Well, I bought every one of those items but they weren't included in picture. This new year's eve picture looked completely opposite of what I actually anticipated. It came with me and my boyfriend in jeans, T-shirts, and burgers. I thought I needed a sparkly dress and a crowd of people to ring in the new year, but little did I know all I needed was the people I loved around me. It sounds cheesy, but it's true. I spent the afternoon in granbury square with my family. Later me and my boyfriend got burgers at the best little place, and spent new years eve on the couch watching a season of weeds. Don't fret we toasted with sparkling cider and got a good new years kiss to start off 2011 right. Oh, and you better believe he shook on the fact that he owes me a date in a sparkly dress with my blue heels! We haven't been feeling up to par the past few days so it was kind of nice to relax, we both needed it. However, I was completely content with what most would consider a lame new years eve, but nothing beats knowing I got to start off 2011, with the person who is my other half and I wouldn't have changed a thing about it.
I'll let you in on my new years resolutions tomorrow, I have been processing them all night. 2011 is looking so good already.
♥ Loveeee.
I'll let you in on my new years resolutions tomorrow, I have been processing them all night. 2011 is looking so good already.
♥ Loveeee.
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