Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Endorphins & Interruptions?

Today was one of those days where so far is so good, then something happens and you become all flustered for no reason. I really disregarded the fact I had a lab today because I thought why go if we don't have homework. I then found out quick enough that it has nothing to do with homework, its more of a go work on your own and earn 25% of the grade kind of the thing. Soooo after thinking I was done with class for the day, I finally got my books, went to Walmart for supplies, and was planning to workout and then do homework. This is actually how it happened:
-3 classes that entitled me busy from 9-12
-books (took forever)
-Walmart for school supplies
***Interruption ( you have a lab today in an hour, you should probably show up phone call)
- Lab which lasted exactly 20 minutes of my time & then I decided to leave.
- workout, which by the way it is 5 'o'clock by now
- Dinner @ 6ish
- by 7:30 I was sitting down to read 27 pages about rhetorics & feeling extra wiped out

Me and Boyfran have had no time to talk today and I am now best friends with his voicemail, which is making me so ready to see his cute face this weekend. I am trying to force myself to be positive about going back into school mode, however I can't lie that I am already counting down the days until Valentines Day, Spring Break, and well Summer. Too soon? yeah I know depressing. So much for optimism. No, but really crossing my fingers if  I keep workouts up I will be able to endure stress & get some endorphins released into the body so I will feel better all around. We shall see.

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