Monday, November 7, 2011

Little piece of sunshine.

I've spent the last three days buried behind papers, 6 different books of literature, christmas music, and the smell of peppermint mocha. Although, the idea of me bundled up in a tiny booth/table in the corner of Starbucks buried in papers was comforting, it made me very tired.

To say I am tired is not the right word, because honestly I went to bed at 9:30 last night and didn't wake up until 8. Which means I should not be tired, but today I feel exhausted. I feel lethargic. Maybe, it was the rainy day or the fact that it turned dark outside my window earlier than what I've been used to, or the little cold I can feel sneaking upon me, but I am so ready for a break. I am just craving family time. Not just craving, desperate for some laughter with my sisters, coffee with my parents, and waking up to my favorite baby cuddles.

On the thankful side of things, I read a blog today in which a girl was discussing chivalry and the good men in the world, and used her dad as an example. I was quickly reminded about my dad's meek heart, sweet words, and welcoming smile. He truly is a hero in this world, and is completely unaware of it. He stands tall in the word of God, is the best provider for his family, and goes out of his way to please others in the smallest ways. I remember being in highschool and neither my sister or I could drive yet, so a lot o days my dad would get up early and go to Chickfila and get us a chicken biscuit to eat on the way to school every morning and he played the same song to put us in a good mood (up on the roof) or just any music by the drifters. He would pick up my friend often who had no ride to school, even if we didn't have enough time that morning. Still to this day my dad is up before anyone else making a hot pot of coffee for everyone to wake up too, and running out to get donuts so everyone has something to eat for breakfast. That my friends is a great dad. I have really been growing closer to my dad over the past year, and I can still feel us getting closer with each day. I can truly say I admire and love him. He has shown me what it is to be selfless in life. He would rather tip a terrible waiter at dinner an over abundant amount than knock their tip down because they had one off night, he would want them to have at least something to make them smile that night. My dad would rather buy a $100 dollar jacket because that is all the store had than have his daughter be cold at a baseball game. I am so incredibly thankful for my dad, he is a piece of sunshine in this world that will forever be appreciated.

He is really something special. 

Lots of Love. 

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