Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011, I believe in you.

When most people thing new year, they think new you/me. I don't think you need to change yourself in a new year, but I do think you make adjustments and do the things you once said you would and didn't. It is like making improvements on the next year, you can't go wrong. If your always taking each year and just improving it every time, then it can just get better. 2011 is going to be awesome, I can feel it.

I had some of the best times of course in 2010. I was sitting trying to recap and I just thought how I spent so much time with my boyfriend, but I also grew closer than ever with my family. It's crazy how that works out. Not only that but I feel like I grew up so much, funny I know saying that and I am only a freshman in college. It's true though, I just felt like when August rolled around, it was time to grow up. I had to step up and no one was telling me what to do. Of course, I could have done whatever  I wanted but I chose to do good and follow the right footsteps. I had my downfalls but everything was worth it. I am thankful to God that I am still here and he allowed me to be able to be here on the first day of the new year.

2011 Resolutions, I never really keep up with these that well but this year I would like to call them Goals, sounds much more pressured to me. I work better under pressure.
So here they are my 2011 Goals:

-Live life, broaden my horizons, just to see what other's see
-Others come first, I come second. This means no expecting anything back.
-Stop caring what others think so much, it has gotten so bad it kind of dictates what I do sometimes.
-Embrace the time I have with people while they are still here.
-Walk within God's footsteps everyday. This will be hard, but I have a forgiving God I am glad I can run to at any moment.
& on a less serious note some silly funny things,
-Stop biting my nails, it's bad.
-work out consistently, this is soo hard. I want to start today but I don't want to be there with all the other crazy people who made the same resolution.
-see all the movies that  I write down on my list and forget about.
-I want long hair. So bad. This can't really be a goal because it grows at it's pace but maybe I'll straighten my hair less and well who knows.

Hey 2011, I believe in you.
Can't wait to see what you've got in store.



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