Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Favorites & my not so favorites ♥

-Salon hair washes, it's like they are trained to make you feel wonderful when washing your hair, I would trade it for a shower any day. (not to mention the way my stylists massages my neck with leftover conditioner, it feels like perfection) if thats weird, Im sorry its true.
-Cupcake flavored ice-cream with real cupcake batter, imagine the deliciousness.
-A cup of coffee at 5:30 in the evening.
-Voicemails saying I love you have a wonderful day.
-Breakfast egg bagels from Einstein's.
-Seasonal headbands in the Target dollar spot.
-Gaining fashion inspiration just by walking across campus, people are so creative with clothes. It's pure art.
-Living an hour away from home and having the ability to just go home relax, do laundry, nothing better than being where you came from.
-Shirts on sale when you've been eyeing it for weeks!


Not so favorites:
-Traffic at 12 in the afternoon, and to improve this matter, traffic for about an hour longer than usual.
-Racing home to see someone and realize you just missed them.
-The teasing warm weather causing much anticipation for spring!
- Cravings for only sweet foods.
-Bruised bananas.
-School, and the homework, and having to drop a class blah.
-Disappointing people unintentionally.
-Zits, will they ever go away?
-Boyfriend having a grown up job, I hate that he works around the clock but I know its selfish of me ha.

Needless to say, it has been a disaster of a week and I couldn't be more thankful to God that it was a beautiful day and I am sitting at home on a friday night enjoying a cup of coffee.

Have an amazing weekend!

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