Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Birthday to the hero.

Today is a very special day for my momma, who by the way must be getting pampered because she hasn't answered one of my phone calls today. She happens to be the most selfless person in my life whether I notice it or not, she has continuously proved this true. She truly is a hero, and I am not just saying it for my sake but for everyone who knows her. She is headstrong for the better and stands tall for everything she believes in. She will fight for her family even if we may not always be right. She will stop anything in her day to take 5 minutes to make sure your doing ok. If anyone deserves a break on their birthday, she does. I promise you every time I go home she takes time to either go shopping, eat lunch, or offers a pedicure. She spoils me to death but I am so grateful for everything she does for me. I have grown so accustomed to being the only girl left in the house and her coming home to say "I need to relax, come on let's go to the mall". I have adapted shopping as a therapy due to her, but she taught me to always shop on bargains. I love spending time with her, and I have days where all I want to do is be around my mom. She is such a joy and can light up a room with her radiant smile. She will put aside anything for the people that surround her. She is so precious in my life and I don't know what I would do without her. I cannot thank her enough for all she does for me as a mother. She is a mom, friend, daughter, sister, role model, grandma, aunt, and a wife. She finds time to be each one of those and it amazes me everything she still has time to do on the side. Most of you do not know my mother, but she can lay down wood floors, build beds, design a house, and sew anything. Not to mention she has amazing maternal instincts that are on the side like caring, loving, encouraging, and cooking. Supermom? yes. Moms have this way about them that I have recently discovered enthralling. They have this unconditional love for their children. No matter what the child does in return, yell, act out, rebel, the mom has the stable ability to stand strong with an open heart and let their children run back at any moment. It is such an amazing blessing to watch my mom be this amazing influence in my life, all my other family as well, and in so many other people's life that surround her. I wish I understood all this sooner, because then I would have been able to appreciate her so much more, but now I know and can't seem to show enough love that matches her unending conditional love for me. So here is to my beautiful mom with amazing style and the biggest strongest heart I have ever seen in anyone. Happy Birthday to most wonderful mom I have been blessed with, I love you with everything in me.


Happy Birthday Beautiful Mom. 

1 comment:

becca said...

happy, happy to your supermom!

she really does sound special :)