Saturday, January 1, 2011

A toast to the new year,

I wanted to ring in the new year big this year. I wanted to wear that sparkly dress and the blue heels, and diamond stud earrings and have the time of my life. Yeah Yeah you got the picture. Well,  I bought every one of those items but they weren't included in picture. This new year's eve picture looked completely opposite of what I actually anticipated. It came with me and my boyfriend in jeans, T-shirts, and burgers. I thought I needed a sparkly dress and a crowd of people to ring in the new year, but little did I know all I needed was the people I loved around me. It sounds cheesy, but it's true. I spent the afternoon in granbury square with my family. Later me and my boyfriend got burgers at the best little place, and spent new years eve on the couch watching a season of weeds. Don't fret we toasted with sparkling cider and got a good new years kiss to start off 2011 right. Oh, and you better believe he shook on the fact that he owes me a date in a sparkly dress with my blue heels! We haven't been feeling up to par the past few days so it was kind of nice to relax, we both needed it. However, I was completely content with what most would consider a lame new years eve, but nothing beats knowing I got to start off 2011, with the person who is my other half and I wouldn't have changed a thing about it.

I'll let you in on my new years resolutions tomorrow, I  have been processing them all night. 2011 is looking so good already.

♥ Loveeee.

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