Tuesday, February 15, 2011

College Kills...

and for your information on days like today it especially kills. I start to feel and look like this. I found myself leaning against a cubical desk trying to not become unfocused, and then when I needed a break I found myself slowly trudging across campus. Sometimes I stare at the information so long it feels like I should know everything, but at the end of the day I still feel so unprepared for the test. I have spent at least 4 hours of time today reviewing. I need to get the blood flowing again so I am headed to release tension and hit the elliptical where there I will be sweating out history facts I am sure. Blah. Get excited because at 5:50 tomorrow when my math lab ends I will be full of joy, because even though the week isn't over and I have two days of classes left, I will be sinking into relaxation weekend mode. For now, lots of Loveeeeee.


1 comment:

CLowe said...

Dear sister~ I do believe the stress of college prepares for more of life's great adventures...like those rascals you are so fond of ;)