Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best things:

Sorry for the lack of the posts but laziness is getting to me or maybe its the fact my house feels colder than outside and there's snow on the ground!! I got to go home and get out of the crowdedness of a dorm room, but am stranded at home without a car. So let me tell you a little about the morning, woke up to the sound of nephew who just has endless amounts of energy ( really it's insane, but I'm getting used to it) plus its kind of cute. Secondly, enjoyed an amazing cup of coffee, favorite thing about home besides family. Now, I am listening to "you are the best thing"- Ray Lamontagne. Momma is out running errands, Dad is at work, and I am home with nephew and little brother. It is not quiet whatsoever, in fact nephew when all the way upstairs to put on his glasses so he can play the that is what I am listening too. However, let me tell you something I am so grateful for all the best things in life that make it so wonderful.

Best things like:
-The sunshine I haven't seen all week shining off that beautiful sparkling snow
-Getting crafty for Valentines Day
-Red- Velvet Cupcakes
-Sweet texts from sister including a cute picture and goodnight from niece kaitlyn marie, I can just hear her saying my name now
-Boyfriends wake up calls, even if its more like a mid-afternoon call
-Nephews unending imagination, it is pure bliss to listen to sometimes, something I wish I still had
- song lyrics that stick out, especially when you have listened to the song a million times and you finally hear the words
-Puppy laying on the ground just sunbathing with all 4 legs crookedly in the air, almost like he is playing dead but no just getting some warmth on the belly
-hearing this "I was just thinking about how I am dating the most beautiful girl in the world"
me: "Disagree"
boyfran: "Well I don't, and it is the truth"

I am blessed to say the least, and life is perfectly imperfectly wonderful. ♥

I am off to go be crafty ( including decopage & paint) yayyy!


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