Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On Running.

"The hardest part about running, is getting that first foot out the door."

This is entirely true, but even more so when you haven't been able to get the foot out of the door for the past couple days or more. I was doing so well on keeping track, pushing myself, and challenging my time to a little bit longer every day, but then the word tired slipped into my brain and I lost it. I went multiple days and did not include the gym in any of my daily schedules, but tonight, even though I knew it would be terribly hard, I did it. I tied up my running shoes, threw my hair into a bun, and went for it. Thats not to say that it was not hard, it was, and I struggled, but I also pushed. It feels so good to end a workout and know I am back to normal again and can go for it again tomorrow. That being said today I am thankful for 2 working legs, and a body that functions normally and healthy. Not all people have the capability to run on two legs and I think we often take a healthy body for granted, so today I am thankful for the ability to workout and run, but also for my legs for walking and running. 

Lots of Love. 

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