Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holiday Wish List.

Of course now that I am broke can't spend any of my made money, I want so much stuff. So until after Christmas, then I can dream right. This is my little wish list, or current obsessions I can't wait to buy!
Need some new warm booties, not sure mine are going to make it through winter. Love the buttons on these!

Yoga Half-Zip Pullover from VS, so cute!!

Black wedge booties! ahhh perfect for winter with dresses and tights, not sure if I want black or olive.

This plaid shirt from Jcrew, it's calling my name. What's better than a cute boyfriend plaid button-down for winter ?

I obviously need some color in my life besides black and grey, but it's my weakness.

Can't wait to go shopping after New years!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Don't you ever grow up.

Today I am really thankful for these little rascals in my life.
If that doesn't make you smile then I am not sure what will. This wouldn't be considered a traditional family christmas card, but this is oh so typical. This is why I call them rascals. Of course baby Madi is cheerful with hands in the air and thigh rolls exposed, and Brent's got his struggling smile because this kid really is quite the camera one, but look what he's having to listen to, struggling much? The little thing he's listening to being my little 2 year old best friend. She's kinda of in that I'm gonna scream and cry whenever I want phase. Forgive her. She really is a cutie who runs to her own special beat on the drum. These kids are my joy. I've felt more love from these 3 kiddos in the past 2 years than by anyone ever before (except the little one is only 6 months, but time spent with her is always well spent!)

This is Brent Lee. He's a stud muffin, I know. Winner of kid right here. He has the sweetest eyes and the bravest heart. I am so proud to have him as a nephew, proud really doesn't do it justice to how much I love having him as a part of the family. He is adventurous, fun, creative, tough but yet still so very meek in his words and hugs. Plus he's got some seriously good dance moves and lyrics to songs! Love you Brent Lee. 
This is little Miss.Priss, aka Kaitlyn marie. She is something else let me tell you. Her personality is rather different than mine, but something about this girl drew me in from the moment I knew she was on the way. I was born into a family where I have 3 older sisters, and I am the youngest girl. I didn't get the opportunity to have a little sister but rather had to be the little sister. I think she filled that place in my heart, my little sister, mini me, or best friend. She is strong in her will, expressive in her words and facial expressions, independent, loud, but kind and caring. Proud to call this little tute my best friend (first time we called her that she remarked right back and said "I am not a tute!").
This is Madison. She is an angel, can't you tell? She's different, good different. She is sweet, sincere, and genuinely happy. She's gonna be a light that shines bright, she won't know though, but everyone else will see it from across the room. She's got the cutest giggle, just makes you feel like she understands everything your saying and is laughing with you. I believe she's gonna see all the good in the world, and as my sister Whittney said 
"You can see her soul in her eyes and it's just breathtaking". 
 It's really true and this little girl has a sweet sweet genuine soul. So excited to kiss her nose and cuddle with her soon, but even more excited to watch her grow up.

These kids are part of my world, and I've honestly given them a piece of my heart. Happy to call them mine, can't wait to see them, it's been the hardest thing living away from their sweet hearts, fun love, and morning cuddles. I am incredibly grateful to be an aunt.

Lots of Love. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On Running.

"The hardest part about running, is getting that first foot out the door."

This is entirely true, but even more so when you haven't been able to get the foot out of the door for the past couple days or more. I was doing so well on keeping track, pushing myself, and challenging my time to a little bit longer every day, but then the word tired slipped into my brain and I lost it. I went multiple days and did not include the gym in any of my daily schedules, but tonight, even though I knew it would be terribly hard, I did it. I tied up my running shoes, threw my hair into a bun, and went for it. Thats not to say that it was not hard, it was, and I struggled, but I also pushed. It feels so good to end a workout and know I am back to normal again and can go for it again tomorrow. That being said today I am thankful for 2 working legs, and a body that functions normally and healthy. Not all people have the capability to run on two legs and I think we often take a healthy body for granted, so today I am thankful for the ability to workout and run, but also for my legs for walking and running. 

Lots of Love. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Little piece of sunshine.

I've spent the last three days buried behind papers, 6 different books of literature, christmas music, and the smell of peppermint mocha. Although, the idea of me bundled up in a tiny booth/table in the corner of Starbucks buried in papers was comforting, it made me very tired.

To say I am tired is not the right word, because honestly I went to bed at 9:30 last night and didn't wake up until 8. Which means I should not be tired, but today I feel exhausted. I feel lethargic. Maybe, it was the rainy day or the fact that it turned dark outside my window earlier than what I've been used to, or the little cold I can feel sneaking upon me, but I am so ready for a break. I am just craving family time. Not just craving, desperate for some laughter with my sisters, coffee with my parents, and waking up to my favorite baby cuddles.

On the thankful side of things, I read a blog today in which a girl was discussing chivalry and the good men in the world, and used her dad as an example. I was quickly reminded about my dad's meek heart, sweet words, and welcoming smile. He truly is a hero in this world, and is completely unaware of it. He stands tall in the word of God, is the best provider for his family, and goes out of his way to please others in the smallest ways. I remember being in highschool and neither my sister or I could drive yet, so a lot o days my dad would get up early and go to Chickfila and get us a chicken biscuit to eat on the way to school every morning and he played the same song to put us in a good mood (up on the roof) or just any music by the drifters. He would pick up my friend often who had no ride to school, even if we didn't have enough time that morning. Still to this day my dad is up before anyone else making a hot pot of coffee for everyone to wake up too, and running out to get donuts so everyone has something to eat for breakfast. That my friends is a great dad. I have really been growing closer to my dad over the past year, and I can still feel us getting closer with each day. I can truly say I admire and love him. He has shown me what it is to be selfless in life. He would rather tip a terrible waiter at dinner an over abundant amount than knock their tip down because they had one off night, he would want them to have at least something to make them smile that night. My dad would rather buy a $100 dollar jacket because that is all the store had than have his daughter be cold at a baseball game. I am so incredibly thankful for my dad, he is a piece of sunshine in this world that will forever be appreciated.

He is really something special. 

Lots of Love. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 2

Today, I am exhausted and almost forgot to find what I was thankful for, but decided that today I am thankful for a big family. This is not me saying I am thankful for my family, because that will come later but just for the fact that I was born into such a crazy, chaotic, but always loving huge family. I live for that chaos, and am so wonderfully blessed to have such unique and caring sisters. I was especially thankful today when I got to have a long phone date after such a busy week. Having so much family is always special because there is always someone thinking about you and loving on you. I am very appreciative.

Short post tonight, but I've got some good things coming soon.

Lots of Love.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy November.

I have been so busy blurring through life, trying to fit in all the fall festivities possible before school just really got in the way. I have 5 tests, 2 quizzes, and 2 papers due before Thanksgiving, but I really wanted to find a way to enjoy and get through November, one day at a time. I decided after seeing multiple people do the same, to find one thing I am thankful for every day until Thanksgiving. It will make me appreciative of things I take for granted, and also can't hurt to find all the good in life especially on those days where I am struggling. I'm about a day late, but better late than never! I let boyfriend know and we decided to do it together. Today I chose to be thankful for the ability to go to school debt free. My parents are completely paying for school, and even though I found work, they don't expect me to have a job, but rather do well in school. It is not often these days that parents are capable of allowing this, so I am forever grateful that I received such a blessing from God. It is a blessing that will take off so much stress in the future, being able to graduate without debt and bills to pay, but also to go into marriage with no debt to add to me and my husbands finances. It is truly a burden off my shoulder, and I will do my best ability to do wonderful in return for my parents. I know they will see it completely worth it, if they know I got a wonderful education and worked hard during that time. Maybe, you will join me in finding thanks in life. It really changes your perspective on life.

Happy November everybody!

Lots of Love.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Cravings.

The weather has finally dropped and is beginning to stay cold, as I got up for my run yesterday it was feeling a little like the weather had decided to skip fall and go straight onto winter. I'm alright with that too, because that gives me an excuse to listen to Christmas music just a little bit early this year. Anyways, besides the weather I have had some serious life cravings lately, have a strong feeling they're not going anywhere until fulfilled, thats how my cravings work. They crave and crave until it appears. Viola!

1. Family time. Not just saturday breakfasts but just the good chaos of my family gathered around in the living room. I'm desperate for us to be sipping our coffee, warming booties at the fire, and listening to the pure laughter as it resonates through the walls.
2. Apple Cider, Christmas music, and lit streets. Something so special about every house glowing as you drive around. Just adds this extra-spectacular "ness" that we need by the end of the year to push us through.
3. Cuddles. Cuddling under warm blankets and watching movies.
4. Big sweaters, tall socks, boots, hats, and scarfs. End of story.
5. Starbucks. Can't get enough Pumpkin Spice Lattes in me for the life of me, and looking forward to my annual peppermint white mocha!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, mine starts tonight!

Lots of love!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Chocolate, Tea, & Life's Little Breaks.

I am learning new things everyday in life, but especially lately been focused on the word; balance. I mean really what does it mean to be balanced? The technical definition is a place of "mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior judgment, etc". However when I think balanced, I think of all the different areas in my life, whether that be church, school, homework, friends, family, boyfriend, alone time, babysitting, and break time. How can a person be balanced when all of that is on her plate, and for some it's even more so because they have kids and husbands to take care of. This time in my life for me though just consists of the many that were named. I am learning a state of balance, which as of right now for means that I am to devote monday through thursday to school as a number one priority. That meaning that it is to be completed before everything else, and on the weekends it's split between dinners with friends, my boy, and waking up and enjoying a nice cup of coffee with the family. I've decided this is why I love home even more so now that I am in college, because it's a place away from the chaos, schedule, and priorities. I think an important lesson in life is to have fun in everything you do in life, because if you don't see the good and exciting things, then life becomes dull and dreary. This is why somedays even when the list is long and far from being achieved that it's ok to breathe, take a time out and wonder aimlessly through stores with friends finding special treasures, and treating yourself to frozen yogurt. Life should be filled with simple little breaks that let you get back on your feet again even just for an hour or two or maybe less. It is never regretted, and always worth it. I am slowly finding that place of balance, somedays it seems far fetch and other days it seems right on, perfectly proportioned, but thats just how life goes right? 

Today I chose to take a break after two midterms, 20 pages of reading, and wonder through World Market with a special friend. I found a tea diffuser to use for my new white chai tea momma bought me, honey made to go in my tea (my favorite), and a little treat, kinder chocolate. Mmmmm. It was all well worth it. 

Monday's done with, everyone can breathe and know where one day closer to the weekend.
Lots of Love. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I can breathe.

Long long week. I am honestly living day to day, without even thinking ahead for the next day. So for this week I have driven to Ft.Worth he total amount of two times, Denton three times, and have only spent two nights in the dorm. The lady at the front desk sees me every time I leave, and I'm pretty sure she is actually beginning to question whether  I actually live there or not. Regardless of that fact, I have had two tests, found time to go to a circus, enjoy dinner with girlfriends, and end a nice long week of school with a fabulous sushi dinner at a place where me and boyfran are working on becoming regulars (so far, so good). Life is chaotic, but thats what makes it so wonderful, right?

P.S. All I have is instagrams for you, no nice camera, my sister was the one taking all the pictures last weekend, so hopefully you will just enjoy! I personally love the look of instagrams.

Somehow we never end up looking normal in our pictures. 
Looks good right?

By the way, If you sit at the bar at a sushi place, it is very likely you will order more rolls, because watching them make them just makes them taste and look about 10x better. We always end up ordering to the bar people and they make them on the spot. It's dangerous.

More for yall later.

Lots of Love. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Orange Pumpkins.

So about that story about that little rascal.

My favorite kiddos were in town this weekend and me and sister really wanted to do something fun and "fallish" (thats a word in my book) besides just sitting in the house. We come up with this brilliant idea to go to a pumpkin patch, great right? I know. We don't have too much time though, so we look up the closest pumpkin patch to Fort Worth and it was only about a 15 minute drive. We quickly dress the two year old who by the way is just waking up from her nap, and we tell the 8 year old to grab his shoes. He really didn't want to go, but what kind of aunts would we be if we didn't make our nephew engage in all the fall fun. Anyways it was looking a little dreary outside so it seemed appropriate to go ahead and dress like it's fall, but really fall seems so far some days in Texas. Anyways, regardless of the humid 90 degree weather I am unaware of, I throw on my black skinnies, a long sleeve shirt, and boots, did I mention I had on knee high socks with those boots? Well you can bet I did. We get diapers, cups, car seat, and finally make it out of the house. Get everyone in the car, but of course I cannot get the straps to go over baby girl's little shoulders, so I keep trying, but it's really too small. It takes two sisters of course to make this work so let me draw up a little mental picture for you here. Sister and me are both standing in the driveway pulling on the car seat straps trying to make them bigger, the two year old is so excited but so confused to what we are doing, and the 8 year old is screaming that he "knows how to do it" and "let me do it". Oh and let me remind you it's about 90 degrees outside, so were all sweating. Everything sounded so picturesque in my head with the pumpkin patch, the whole idea of fall, and taking babies to walk around and pick out pumpkins. Ah, but of course this is not going to happen all because little baby girl is too big for her car seat. We all head back inside and wait for her mom to get home, because surely a third sister will be able to fix the car seat, and of course with one tiny pull she had it made. By this time, everyone is home so of course nephew is a no-go, so instead me, sister, and baby girl load up one more time in the care for round two. I remembering going to pumpkin patches when I was little and there were scare-crows, horses, hay rides, and endless fields of pumpkins. This was not the picture of the pumpkin patch we pulled up too, but rather a giant stone company who laid out their assortment of pumpkins on hay and called it a day. So very picturesque. Regardless of the fact, it was nothing like I wanted it to be, baby girl had a wonderful time and spent quite the amount of time picking out the perfect pumpkin (couldn't decide between orange, white, orange & yellow, green & warty, or orange again). It is always fun to see a little one light up over the simple things, and we came home with one baby baby pumpkin, and one little one. I know little bit had a good time, because by the time we left she had dirt all over her face and her hair stuck to it, which is always a sign that a kid just went through a tunnel of fun, and she sang to her pumpkin the whole entire way home (which was longer than 15 minutes because we got lost of course).

The pumpkin assortment

If that doesn't say I'm having a good time, I don't know what does. 

We really persuaded against the warty can't stand up pumpkins.

Happy Fall! 

lots of love. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fall Feelings

To tell you the truth, I gave up blogging this summer. I just stopped, not because I was too busy or didn't want too, I just didn't want to write it all out anymore. Everyday since I stopped, I sign onto blogger and read the daily updates, pull up my new post entry and then close it out. I felt like I had nothing to write about, or explain to you. Today though seems perfect to tell you everything, all the fun little things I've stored in my brain, and it's raining as I sip my coffee slower than usual, so it makes for the perfect scenario. For now heres just a few thoughts that have been weighing pretty heavy on my heart.

-For starters, School. It has been so much better. Some days I wake up and stare at my planner with no idea on how I'm going to get it all done, but someone told me to take it "one day at a time", and honestly it works out much better with the stress level, keeps it a lot lower than normal. You should try it. Also, to tell you the honest truth about me and school is that we do not get a long. Nope, but let me tell you the greatness in getting to take major classes… it doesn't feel like school! So the 94 I scored on my first major class test was such a blissful feeling because I didn't need to cram or study, just learn about things that interest me. It's a whole other world.

-Weekends. Weekends are like 3 full days spent at a little place, some call Utopia. Seriously. I treat them like mini-vacations. I mean of course, I have little bits of school to do here and there on Saturday and Sunday, but really I just go day to day enjoying so much of life. I go home all the time on weekends, but why not. I love Fort Worth and everyone I love is there, so who cares what people say about me not enjoying college life. I don't care. Back to weekends, they are a little piece of pie at the end of a week, and provide a whole lot of sanity to carry me through 4 days of school.

-Babies. To say that I am in love with my wonderful nieces and nephew is a little bit of an understatement. Just getting to cuddle up against them is the best feeling in the world. Even though my little 2 year old best friend is in a bit of "I can do it on my own" phase, she's still cute and fun to be with. But really, having two baby girls to hold and kiss is seriously the greatest joy in life. I love being an aunt. I wish I had more time to do things like go to boo at the zoo, trick or treat with them on halloween, or just wake up to them more often, but I know reality separates us and I am thankful for the time well spent with the little boo bears. I've got a little story about one of those rascals but I'll save it for another day.

-Family. I love home. I love my family. I am always so much happier when time is spent with them. Last night when Texas finally received an abundant, unending amount of rain, we all decided it was the perfect night for a movie. So even though only two sisters were home, and mom was gone, we had two other sisters ( me and Whittney), Nephew, little brother (who is not so little at all) like 5 inches taller than me not little, and Dad. We all piled into my parents king size bed and watched the Iron Giant on my parents tv. It was so special and moments like that are always well cherished.

I am so blessed.

lots of love. Good to be back.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


  Friday I didn't have class, so I spent the day baby-sitting a little bit, then catching upon movies I have yet to see. Then that evening my friends band played a lovely little show in the backyard of a coffeehouse. It was so charming with christmas lights draped all around the fence, definitely a good last summer event to attend before my time is consumed completely with school.

  Not to much say about saturday except that I spent the day babysitting a cute 2 year old who liked to color, eat, and watch yo gabba gabby & elmo (mo-mo). I finally got her to sit down and watch princess and the frog which was much better than the other choices I had earlier in the night.

Today, I am exhausted and cannot believe tomorrow is monday already.

This is the week when school "actually" starts for me, so tomorrow will probably be a pretty long day, but this weekend was busy itself so I think I am going to spend today really getting some serious relaxing in, but know that I am already looking forward to a 4 day weekend (Yay for having holidays off!)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Madre loving.

Today was good.
No friday classes are good.
Spending my day with a 2 year old who calls elmo, "mo-mo" was good.
Going to backyard concert at a coffe house covered in twinkling christmas lights was good.

Today was better.

I love not having friday classes, makes me feel like the week goes faster and school ends quicker, and the weekend is here by 3:20 on thursday afternoon which in general gives the weekend this whole vacation feel to it because its 3 1/2 full days instead of 2 full days, one of which is spent worrying about monday.

On another note,

Momma called today though. a lot. She is so wonderful. I love that she calls 3 or 4 times a day. I could tell she was missing her girls this weekend not home. I go home a lot, I think she needs it. She doesn't like being the only girl at home, she has lived and breathe pink, curls, irrational emotions, and perfume her whole life. She can't be the only girl at home for very long by herself. I almost wanted to drive home for the night just to see her, but I have to be back here tomorrow so it would be too late. I could tell she needed to getaway, to have girl time the second she called this morning. I could tell. The conversation went a little like this..
Mom:"hows life going today?"
Me: It's ok, I have to babysit in an hour, so I'm just getting ready
Mom:" Oh well, I'm going to get a flat changed on the car. again"
Me: Again?
Mom: "yeah, but I don't feel like sitting there all day so dad is going to take me to get the other car, and I'm gonna get my hair done, I just really want a haircut, color, everything, you know just need something to make me feel better today"

She's so cute. Love my momma. I think I take after her in that way.
When I have a bad day I want to be with her, because she knows exactly how to make what seems like a girls worst day ever, the best day ever. She will buy you an article of clothing, or take you to your favorite place to eat, or best of all get your nails done with you.
She rocks, always knows what I need when I need it. Always.
Not to mention when I call her madre, she calls me mija. Love it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Goodbye Summer.

Well goodbye to the 3 month break I took from all commitments in life, even if was really unadult (is that a word?) of me to do so. However, the summer weather that is piercing to the skin and causes me sweat ounces the second that I walk out the door, so much so that cute clothes seem completely pointless to me. I can't look cute if I am sweating like a boy at the gym. Sorry for the no blogging, like I said, I took a break from pretty much everything. School starts today though and yesterday I felt excited and relieved, but today the anxiety and homesickness has kicked back in. I never knew I would be so much of a homebody, but there is something about waking up, getting a cup of coffee, and sitting in the chaos of a kitchen at home. Its calming and familiar versus today which was lonely and gloomy. The lights were all off and the only noise I heard was the sound of dorm rooms slamming shut and water running as everyone awoke out of their summer haze. I'm forcing myself to grow up this year though, I am getting myself a little babysitting job to fulfill time when I'm not doing school. It's hard though. It's hard to awake and not be home. I have to get readjusted to my mamma not being in the kitchen to say good morning, and my boyfriend to be able to hang out whenever I want. Not that he could this summer, because he is busy growing up too with an 8 to 5 job. I prayed alot this morning though, because I don't need to miss home, it's so close. I don't need to be anxious, it's school, and I want to be excited to learn what I'm gonna be doing the rest of my life. This morning I am slowly feeling better as I sip my coffee and know that life is waiting outside my window and it's beautiful, and I know that God is big and he is in control.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I don't know where I've been or what I've been doing. Maybe I got lost, but I don't exactly know when it happened. Maybe it was on vacation, among the ocean waves. It was beautiful, with each passing wave, my body arose and shifted further and further. At one point, I felt a fear I had gotten too far from the shore, but it felt free. I needed to feel that distance. Maybe it was at home, on a day just like any other summer day where I was driving. Not driving anywhere particular, I just wanted out of the house. I wanted to drive. I wanted to feel wind in my hair, and slip through my fingertips as I screamed the words of the music to the world. No one could hear me though, so it didn't matter what I sounded like. I needed to be able to scream and not worry what anyone was thinking. Maybe it was in a moment, those five second moments where you want something so bad but you don't know how to reach it. I wanted to not care about anything in the world, but how, how do you get there? I couldn't, I do care. It was nice though, to care for anything for a simple five seconds. Maybe it was that one morning where I woke up and felt motivated, driven, persistent. I wish I felt that every morning. I got out of bed and I tied my running shoes, jumped on the treadmill, and I ran. I ran with my eyes closed. It felt like I could anything. I needed that feeling to pulse through me.

I don't know really I got lost, but I'm definitely growing up.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Honestly I have no excuse of why I haven't updated in so long. I see the blogger logo, read current updates in my subscribed to list then move on with my day but today seems to right to just go ahead and get back to it.

Lately, life is good. Really good. Everything seems to be in order. I wake up, enjoy a cup of coffee, head to work, and then when thats all done with I find ways to fill my day. Now who honestly knows what I do all day because half the time I look up at the clock and it's already 6' o clock. I say to myself where has the time gone and what have I been doing, but turns out time is only flying because I'm just enjoying life and the simple things it brings.

Like late nights filled with the summer heat beating against my back, face, and any exposed skin. Only because somewhere in the back of my mind I thought it would be a good idea to attend an outdoor concert at midnight, but hey what better way to make summer memories.
Or the nights where I want a puppy so bad that I beg like a 5 year old to go to the pet store just to hold one, just to feel as though it is my own for 5 minutes only of course. It will keep me content for about a week maybe. 
Or the other nights that consist of spending $11.00 on 4 Godiva chocolate covered strawberries, seriously why are they so expensive? They make clothes cheaper than that! But it is always worth it. 
After those are gone in about 5 minutes, we spend the evening driving, singing loud to our favorite music, and hands flailing in the wind. 
I don't know about you but I couldn't ask for a cuter best friend to spend it with. 
Or maybe just the fact that when I come home at night or day, I turn off the lights, immediately light about 3 candles, and turn on my Bon Iver pandora station. Oh it's the best thing ever. 

and lastly, the fact that boyfriend started wearing converse, and last night we were both rocking them. Not trying to brag, but it was cute. I've always wanted to be the couple walking together in their matching converse. always. I don't have a picture though because he says thats weird to take pictures of him like that, like of just his shoes. Don't worry I'll be fixing that.  

Needless to say I'll try to be a better blogger. Life just is so good, sometimes it stands in the way. 

& I am absolutely in love with summer 2k11and the way it's making me feel.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What I would rather be doing

I have been attempting to beat the Texas heat & humidity since summer began. Today is officially the first day of "summer" but us texans have already endured too many summer days that were 105-106 degrees so naturally of course I want to be at the beach. In a month, I'll be boarding a cruise to head to the bahamas for a week, yeah! I cannot wait for a week of just living in a bathing suit, sundresses, jean shorts. The beach is always the best summer getaway, so get ready for a vacation clothes wish list, and plenty of beach pictures. 

Lots of Loveee.

Friday, June 17, 2011

It's friday,

I'm in love.

I don't know about ya'll but I love friday & am defintely looking forward to some fathers day festivites with the fam. Friday means it's time to be lazy and relax. Lucky for me I've got lots of plans this weekend and not much time to lay around but I am still excited. Hope you all have lots of fun weekend plans in store. I know I've got dinner with boys, then girls night, a trip to granbury, and a movie to see. Now if I could only squeeze school in there..but if not summertime isn't for school anyways. Have a good weekend, Happy Fathers day to all the wonderful providers for their families out there!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

appreciated silence

On mornings like this I want to never leave my spot, because right now it's quiet and I appreciate this kind of silence. The kind that only exists due to baby yawns, a tired mom, another who enjoys the same kind of silence before all three of her kids awake, and sisters who have already left early for work. The kind of silence that in about 6 or so minutes will no longer be of existence because it is taken over by complete chaos. Sometimes I wake to see no one is moving yet and I walk back up the stairs and sink back into the warmth of the sheets. However, days like today I peel myself out of bed, get ready, head downstairs to hear nothing, grab my mug and sit down with a nice cup of coffee. I enjoy the few short moments in my day that are filled with silence as the sun rays are just beginning to shine some light on the day. Life is good but mornings like this are the best. I have a busy day up ahead that I really should have a schedule but I want it to be easygoing and breezy so I'm not making one, I am just going to do everything as it comes. This including work, picking up siblings from school, lunch with a friend, my own school work, taking boyfriend to get clothes,  and dinner with my girls. So especially with a crazy day ahead, the silence is appreciated.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

I gave in

after spending ridiculous amounts of time staring at gorgeous dresses on modcloth and I officially purchased one. I am so excited to see the word shipped on my order. I have been searching for a green polka dot dress for a long time and have yet to find the perfect one, well I think I did it. I have never been a person to spend over $50 dollars on just a regular plain jane dress but this one I think is absolutely adorable and so very cute with its 50's charm.

Besides boyfriends been wanting me in a green polka dot dress anyways, so it just gave me all the more reason  to buy it.

what do you think?


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Well lately,

I have been swept away by summer and the time that is so quickly passing.  I wake up with the kiddos and come downstairs to enjoy lazy mornings filled with coffee time, baby cries for food and milk, and people coming and going. I have been working mostly 5 days a week at a daycare, and have started babysitting, and then when I'm not working I am running around with family, babies, and boyfriend and somehow forcing myself to do a poly-sci class in between the chaos. Time is short these days even if the nights seem endlessly long. I am enjoying myself day to day but sometimes wishing for less chaos and more quiet, where other days I am craving a night out and walking in the front door after everyone is asleep. Life is good, and I am happy to call my home my heart.

Sorry for the blogging break, I have been doing a little memorial day celebrating, wedding going, baby loving, and in general celebrating summer going from day to day as it should be. 

Lots of Love.

promise to be better. ♥

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Birthday wishes.

My birthday is about a week away, I am not doing anything big but just want a small group with my closest friends surrounding me at a nice, fun dinner. It's funny how you want everyone you know there one year and the next you only want 4 or 5 people there. I guess you realize whats important in life and who you really want around you for special events, this year I want the people that mean the most to me even if that means only a few. I would much rather have everyone there I loved than a whole bunch of people who really don't care much about me. Anyways, to the point… I want a birthday dress! I want it to say hey "I'm turning 19, and this is my last year as a teenager" and of course I want it to make me look my best. I've been looking a lot on modcloth just for some inspiration but I am definitely gonna end up buying something in store. Here's a little of what I'm thinking:

Loving the dresses with back appeal! 

What do you think?


Monday, May 23, 2011

Glitter & Glue

is not a good mixture, when you add in children under the age of 10.


I wish I had taken a picture today at work of the mess I found myself in after 21 kids rushed through to make a craft and decided they would empty glitter bottles all over their heavily glued craft. The table was covered in glitter and soaked in glue, and the floor looked like new years eve as the sequins covered the floor. It wasn't exciting like new years eve though, it was more "I don't know how I am going to clean up all of this by myself". Needless to say I learned my lesson real quickly and will now be much more prepared for next time.

Been moving a little slow the past few days but hoping I can find some motivation somewhere.

Lots of Loveee.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Warning: Baby Overload.

Oh oops. Too many pictures, but I couldn't resist, I'm a proud aunt. 

This is Madison Rose, well actually boyfriend says she is "Baby" Madison Rose, not just Madison Rose. 
So therefore this is Baby Madison Rose, my new niece. I know your thinking great more pictures of baby loving, but I can't get enough. ever. They are precious, only this time I promise to not rush you Baby Madison Rose growing up because I want you to stay small and fit into my arms for a very long time, and not speak a word but just take the world in. Excited for this baby to be living in our house for a  month or so, and nervous as well. It will definitely allow for some very special bonding time. 

Lots of Love.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"I don't get many things

right the first time, in fact I am told that a lot. Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls brought me here and I know that I am, 
I am the luckiest. "

Well I can say it has felt like summer now and I have been going non-stop. I wake up feeling like I have all day then 4 or 5pm hits and I realize that I have plan on top of plan for the evening. This is actually the first night in a few days I was home before 11 o clock and will hopefully be falling asleep before one in the morning, but hey I guess that is what summer is about. I realized this is really my last summer as a "teenager". I'll be 19 in like 2 weeks and next summer I will be turning 20 and probably be maybe starting a real job that may help me later in my career. However, for now I was thinking about how lucky I am. I went back to work today which is at a daycare close to my house. The kids were crazy considering summer is so close for them and I just kept trying to tell them I knew the feeling but had to calm down. It is fun to watch kids play and get to interact but there is always a fine line between getting to hang out with them and having to be the tough guy who has to say "No" and "Your going to have to sit out at recess" or sometimes even "Your never going to snack-time if you keep the talking up".  Oh to be that young again, I only wish that getting to be able to go to snack-time was still my main concern. Anyways, I get to wake up and be with kids all day which is a blessing. I also am going to have all my family in one place this weekend plus some! I cannot remember the last time everyone was actually living at home for more than one night, it should be entertaining. Oldest sister is adding a new addition to the family tomorrow morning, which means new niece! I have been heavily distracted but tonight I am feeling the excitement for little baby Madison Rose to arrive! I am thankful to be home and especially thankful for nights like tonight where some of the family and boyfriend gather around the table and enjoy a homecooked meal then proceed to run out and get late night fro yo with no regrets. Summer nights are the best and you better believe they are my favorite when everyone I love is around. 

Lots of Loveee.

Get ready for baby lovin overload. 

Monday, May 16, 2011


Some days start off slow, good, and full of bliss but then they slowly spiral into rushed errands, indecision and pure chaos. By the time 5 'o'clock rolls around, I am ready to crawl into bed, pull the cover over my head, and say see ya tomorrow, but instead life goes on.

I started running the other day with my boy and the first day it was really a struggle. I didn't necessarily need to start running but wanted to be a runner, so I had to start with day one as everyone else does too. I got outside and complained, breathed too quickly, and said the words "I can't" repeatedly too myself. It was not fun. The next day I told myself I could do it, and I did. I ran. Then today I got outside and I closed my eyes and listened as boyfriend talked about his life and anxieties, and my feet pounded against the pavement. The slight breeze swayed my ponytail to and fro, and even when I was tired I breathed in through my nose, and out through my mouth, and I didn't let my feet stop. We got to this point which boyfriend refers to as "bringing it home. It's the spot where you can see the finish, but you still have quite the way to go. So when you get to the point, you run. You run as fast as your legs can go, which by this point it seems like your legs are melting and you really can't go much faster, but you can. So you stride it out, with each step you pretend your legs can depart from the ground, and you lung a little bit further. Boyfriend is really good at this, but as he stands at the finish line, all I can think about is getting to stop too, but I still have the quite distance. I keep my legs moving and with each inch I get closer, and closer, and closer until I am there. I made it I tell myself. I did it and tomorrow I will do better.

Life is like this sometimes. You are so close to finishing, but feel so far from the solution but when you get there it's good. Pure goodness. You feel accomplished, but exhausted. Strong, but weak, like you could keep going, but all you can do is lay there. These past few days have seemed to be spirals of life circling one after the other, dreaming of the day it ends, but I know God has a plan. Tonight I had dinner with a friends family outside on the deck. I was quiet but so relaxed and sometimes thats all you really need at the end of a long run.

Cheers to mondays.


Well, I made it.

It is officially summertime and has been for the past 4 days.

I still have one more basket to unpack and organize into the room before I am completely moved back in, but for the most part I am done. I also have not yet eaten a meal at home since I've been here (which btw was thursday). I always say summertime is when I eat the most because everyone is always doing nothing so they suggest getting lunch…well I have eaten out just about every meal since Thursday afternoon. No bueno, but hey I started running so maybe it will balance out this summer? eh we will see.

I will now promise to be a good blogger…well do my best.

This week I am:
-starting work back up again
-welcoming a new little niece into the world
-also welcoming all my sisters to back under one roof…..been a long time.
-and finding some good summer time enjoyment with best friends and boyfriend.

Good week up ahead!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Oh and I almost forgot

Yesterday was mothers day!! How could I forget to blog about it?

All you really need to know is that my mom is super mom and absolutely amazing, but I am gonna tell you more than that. My mom happens to be the best mom on the block, don't try and argue. She is willing to stop the world to help her children. I value my time with her more than anything. It never fails to feel special and be fun. She is strong, brave, and successful. I admire her giving serving attitude,  and her heart that is constantly seeking God. She has the best advice because her wise words are straight from the Lord. Not only is she real with people, but she has an amazing sense of humor and laughing with her is one of my favorite things to do with my mom. I cherish every moment of home due to her kindness and thoughtfulness that she expresses, and appreciate that she is supportive continuously in life. She herself is a daughter, wife, friend, teacher, mimi, and still finds time to be an excellent mother, but she is more than that to me. She is my rock, hero, role model, friend, teacher, and most of all mom.  She pours love into me daily and I am so blessed to have her as my mother.

So even though mothers day was yesterday, Happy Mothers Day to my beautiful mother!