Monday, October 10, 2011

Orange Pumpkins.

So about that story about that little rascal.

My favorite kiddos were in town this weekend and me and sister really wanted to do something fun and "fallish" (thats a word in my book) besides just sitting in the house. We come up with this brilliant idea to go to a pumpkin patch, great right? I know. We don't have too much time though, so we look up the closest pumpkin patch to Fort Worth and it was only about a 15 minute drive. We quickly dress the two year old who by the way is just waking up from her nap, and we tell the 8 year old to grab his shoes. He really didn't want to go, but what kind of aunts would we be if we didn't make our nephew engage in all the fall fun. Anyways it was looking a little dreary outside so it seemed appropriate to go ahead and dress like it's fall, but really fall seems so far some days in Texas. Anyways, regardless of the humid 90 degree weather I am unaware of, I throw on my black skinnies, a long sleeve shirt, and boots, did I mention I had on knee high socks with those boots? Well you can bet I did. We get diapers, cups, car seat, and finally make it out of the house. Get everyone in the car, but of course I cannot get the straps to go over baby girl's little shoulders, so I keep trying, but it's really too small. It takes two sisters of course to make this work so let me draw up a little mental picture for you here. Sister and me are both standing in the driveway pulling on the car seat straps trying to make them bigger, the two year old is so excited but so confused to what we are doing, and the 8 year old is screaming that he "knows how to do it" and "let me do it". Oh and let me remind you it's about 90 degrees outside, so were all sweating. Everything sounded so picturesque in my head with the pumpkin patch, the whole idea of fall, and taking babies to walk around and pick out pumpkins. Ah, but of course this is not going to happen all because little baby girl is too big for her car seat. We all head back inside and wait for her mom to get home, because surely a third sister will be able to fix the car seat, and of course with one tiny pull she had it made. By this time, everyone is home so of course nephew is a no-go, so instead me, sister, and baby girl load up one more time in the care for round two. I remembering going to pumpkin patches when I was little and there were scare-crows, horses, hay rides, and endless fields of pumpkins. This was not the picture of the pumpkin patch we pulled up too, but rather a giant stone company who laid out their assortment of pumpkins on hay and called it a day. So very picturesque. Regardless of the fact, it was nothing like I wanted it to be, baby girl had a wonderful time and spent quite the amount of time picking out the perfect pumpkin (couldn't decide between orange, white, orange & yellow, green & warty, or orange again). It is always fun to see a little one light up over the simple things, and we came home with one baby baby pumpkin, and one little one. I know little bit had a good time, because by the time we left she had dirt all over her face and her hair stuck to it, which is always a sign that a kid just went through a tunnel of fun, and she sang to her pumpkin the whole entire way home (which was longer than 15 minutes because we got lost of course).

The pumpkin assortment

If that doesn't say I'm having a good time, I don't know what does. 

We really persuaded against the warty can't stand up pumpkins.

Happy Fall! 

lots of love. 

1 comment:

CLowe said...

So sweet! Love that story and I cant wait until you tell it to her when shes older. You guys are such great aunts!