Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thick as Thieves.

Dear stranger,
I miss you. Your my best friend, but you seem so far from that.
I don't really know how to tell you or confront you, because I expect the response to be "I'm fine, nothings wrong" but I've heard that lie before. We all have, so when you decided to speak up, and stop keeping secrets, just know one thing. I am here, I told you I always would be. I promised you I would walk through hell for you, I promised I'd be hand in hand with you no matter the circumstance. You know "I'll give you my hand, if you reach out and grab it". Hope you'll come around, hope you'll come back to yourself. It hasn't been the same without you, just feels like somethings missing. Whenever you decide, I'll be here.

Love, Amberly

Pinky Pact.

♥ Loveeee.

Hey It's Ok

-to sometimes stop the car at the stop sign just to sneak a kiss.
-order pizza and stay home and watch a movie while everyone including your parents goes out
-dance around your room and sing at the top of your lungs
-to stay in your pajamas until 3 'o'clock in the afternoon
-count a dance party xbox game as your workout for the day
-buy clothes when you don't need them, and use shopping as therapy
-to want to get super dressed up and just feel pretty
-to eat two different kinds of pie for dessert because you can't decide
-walk into a store with your boyfriend and say funny things to each other just to see if people turn their heads
-buy a pair of high heels you may never wear but look beautiful just sitting in your closet
-to remember all the things you don't do regularly but know it's ok.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Festivities.

I haven't posted in a while, only because I did not want to miss all the christmas commotion. My family is chaos, I mean chaos. Meaning today all the real festivities began when 19 people showed up at my house for lunch. It was much quieter on Christmas with 5 people than the day after Christmas. We had everyone over all at once today, it overwhelms me. I am a social person, not in situations with the people who know me to well and the family I talk to once or twice a year. I am not only social, but quiet and observant in a room full of people. I like to sit back and watch everything (I tend to stare, yikes!) After a day that started at 11 this morning, and didn't stop until we got back home at about 10:45 pm, I am escaping the commotion and breathing. My mind is tired, my excitement has worn, and I wanted to lay in bed and watch boy meets world in my quiet room and warm bed. To say the least,

I live for the chaos, but if I find my time to catch a breath of fresh air, I wouldn't be sane.

I have lots and lots of pictures to share of all the christmas fun that I so much anticipated, but all the girlies are headed to my sisters sonogram at 8:45 in the morning to find out the gender of the new baby on the way! I need sleep, because 7:30 is wayyyyy to early to be waking on christmas break.

Merry Christmas Loves.


Fill you in on the details of the wonderful christmas-time another day, but until then I have much shopping, Starbucks drinking, and board game playing to do!

♥ Loveeee.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Unspoken words.

Sometimes I wish I could forget everything, I wish that you didn't ever cross through my thoughts. So instead of reminiscing, I let words and lyrics take the place of you. That is only sometimes though.

"I can't make the words I need to say 
She had a weakness for writers 
And I I was never that good at the words anyways 
Well I've only got this one wish 
That I was as good enough to make you forget 
The only boy who ever broke your heart 
Cause nights like these tear me apart 
It's nights like these, the sad songs don't help
It's nights like these, your heart's with someone else" -Lucero, nights like these

"Missing someone is a part of loving them, if you’re never apart, you’ll never know how strong your love really is."-back to august

"why'd you fill my sorrows
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known
And why'd ya sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why'd you sing with me at all?"-Damien rice

"You are going to lose people in your life. And I realize that no matter how much time you spent with them, or how much you appreciate them and told them so, it will never seem like it was enough."-back to august

"Nothings gonna change that hopeless feeling I get when you say you understand, and I know you cant"-Circa Survive, Dyed in the Wool 

"We fell in love with the windows rolled down
Chasing the sunset through another empty town
Your hair was a mess when you would dance on the coast
Your silhouette, like some heavenly ghost
When you're only 18
And you got nothing to lose
And your living a dream
With the sand in your shoes
Falling in love is easy
It's easy to do"- This Providence, Sand in Your Shoes 

One day you will realize how much I was there for you when I’m gone, and I never stopped loving you I just decided to stop showing it because no matter how hard I tried you just wouldn’t get it.-back to august 

"Lets go to Seattle, watch rain fall to the ground
And on our tongues "I love you's" run into each other
But could I really trust her? She said,
"Hey baby baby boy, why you always look so sad?
You got the whole world in the palm of your hand."
But it don't mean a thing if you're not next to me".- Archie star, Lets get married 

"These things take forever, I especially am slow
But I realize that I need you and I wondered if I could come home"- Bright Eyes, First day of my life 

"She says the Bible is all that she reads.
and prefers that I not use profanity
Your mouth was so dirty
Life of the party,
And she swears that shes artsy,
But you could distinguish Miles from Coltrane
Our love was comfortable and so broken in"- John Mayer, Comfortable 

"That slow dance didn't last very long
So now I guess we're moving on, well it was nice"- Lucero, Slow Dancing 

"You stood at your door, with your hands on my waist
and you kissed me like you meant it
And I knew that you meant it"- Dashboard Confessional, Hands Down 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Time.

I have been doing some serious lounging, and hanging out with my favorite people of course. Christmas Time is so special this year, and I am not sure what it is yet but I love it so much more than ever this year. This is pretty much what my Christmas break is looking like through pictures:

This is a little what Christmas break is looking like:

Hot cocoa & reeses (and some unmentionable snacking on the side)

Fire=Warmth, I can see my breathe in my house! 

Baby love. 

More babylove. 

The best babylove. 
I have been living in warm socks and leggings. 

My boyfriends room is messy, this had to be documented. 

Love these warm cute slippers! 
                                                               MERRY CHRISTMAS

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lazy days.

Sorry for the no posts, but I have been taking advantage of every chance of relaxation possible. However, today was sunday, and its about time I post. I woke up thinking today would be wonderful, and I would finally get to enjoy my boyfriend and spend some quality time. This was going to include church, lunch, flying kites at the park, and getting manicures (I convinced him because his nails are really bad & so are mine!) What a good day! This obviously was not put into action or I wouldn't be writing this. It was one of those lazy days where I woke up and slowly got ready. We made it to church, and had lunch with my parents, and quickly changed into some lazy day clothes. We got a kite, drove to the park, parked our car, and were in the process, PROCESS of getting the kite ready to fly when the phone rang with a text calling him to go work…Sometimes I wish I was I was little and didn't have to worry about my boyfriend having to go to work (selfish, I know oops!) just on days like this. It was going to be such a beautiful day only to turn right back around and go back home. So today will be a lazy sunday, as if I haven't been lazy enough the past week. It's ok this is what break is about. I should probably finish making my christmas gifts and wrapping, but I'll probably put it off until christmas eve. Hope everyone has a wonderful sunday afternoon, it is so beautiful today in Texas!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Studying!

I sat down to write this because I thought I hadn't written in days, however it seems I just wrote yesterday. That just tells me how crazy of a two days it really has been.
I have also realized I have a slight attachment to all my belongings here at school, so much that it took two trips to take to duffels and a box to the car full of clothes. Even more of an attachment, because I still have two trips to make that include a big VS bag, a teeny suitcase, and a backpack :] oooops!
Oh well, going home for a whole month is a big deal, and the idea of the school being locked up makes me have nightmares like so: "hey.. yeah I think I'll wear that skirt and shirt….oh wait it's at school". Not taking that chance, better safe than sorry! I have two finals tomorrow back to back that I am being so complacent about, but I will push for a's in both the classes, we will see how that goes over. Happy Studying to all! I am headed home tomorrow!! Ready for some sitting by the fire and christmas tree, drinking coffee, laughing, and relaxing with my family.

♥ Loveee.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Project You

Le Lips in Texas?
Yup, heard that right. It was so very exciting to open up my mailbox and see the box finally there, I looked everyday for about a week straight! To be honest, I hit a few bumps, I wanted to be creative with them (but I am not sure if that turned out so well). For those of you who haven't heard of Project You, go check out Project You, to see a  great way of providing a community full of inspiration,
Sisterly Love.

It's hard not to giggle and be happy with these on!

Le Lips were wonderful, and the pictures don't do them justice. They did so much traveling, that the pictures really don't account for. They became my front seat passenger for about 2 weeks, well back seat at one point (because I wasn't driving). Anyways, they traveled to fort worth from denton, and vise versus, SEVERAL times :] Le Lips also took a wonderful trip to the small town, Sioux City, IA. It was cold, and I forgot my camera unfortunately, funny I took the lips but not the camera. They were still fun to have though! Here are some pictures to show how entertaining Le Lips were, and allowed for much laughter (which is my favorite thing).We took these pictures in the kitchen during Thanksgiving, it kept the kitchen and cooking very fun and stress free! They also made a for a great study break, as you can see below, I felt like an artist from Paris.
Anyways, Le Lips vacation is over in Texas, and our on their way to California!

♥ Loveee.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Midnight Remedies.

School is kind of crazy right now, and I need to be studying every minute of tomorrow. We'll see how that turns out for me. When midnight has been rolling around, I am exhausted. Despite this tired fact, I always find that I have some night-time remedies I enjoy before snuggling up in the bed.

-Face Mask, or just getting a clean clean face.
-Reading all my blogs, even if I already read them for that day.
-Listening to my Jazz Christmas Pandora radio.
-Sleepy time tea
-Melatonin dreams anyone? Taking it so maybeee I can finally sleep in a little bit.
-& currently, I have been losing clothes inspiration. Not sure if it's the weather change or just wanting to be comfy. However, I have found myself browsing look books on blogs or clothes websites, and pulling out pieces I have in my closet that kind of look-alike. I am writing whole outfits down. Lately I think of a cute outfit, and completely forget. I need a clothes journal! How do you keep up with past outfits you've loved?

P.S. Look at this cute, sweet award, my advisors gave me today. They gave everyone in the class one, so sweet!
It has already been a fad within fashion world, but I still love my bows, and it made my day. 

Goodnight, Sleep tight.

♥ Loveee.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Out on the square.

I am not much for smoky areas and sweating, however I love seeing a good show. Therefore I spent my evening with a few friends at a small basement pizza joint on Denton's square. It had no extra places to sit, except the bench I think we broke, yikes! Oh well, I enjoyed some very delicious costly pepperoni pizza and some great folk music performed by my friend and his band. It is always fun to get out, I don't do it to often, makes it more exciting when I do go somewhere!

Here a few pictures,

It was a wonderful show full of folk music covers by people like Mumford & Sons, The Avett Brothers, and they even played the song Wagon Wheel. Loveeee. It was hard not to want to go up there and sing with them.
Excuse the phone quality pictures, crossing my fingers for a new camera for christmas so I can post better pictures!

♥ Loveee. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Current Playlist:

Today was busier than intended to be.
I planned on waking up at 10, but apparently my body is programmed to wake up at 8:30. Awesome.
I then drove to the wrong Mcdonalds twice to meet someone from Craigslist to retrieve something for my boyfriends mom.
Class got held over by 40 minutes, but it's ok because one presentation down! 1 more to go, 4 classes, & a Class Christmas Party.
Then Finals, study time.
Good news, I got my little in the big brothers big sister program, I also got super lucky to be paired with a little girl (they informed me that they really need boys to match because they have more available).
I will be happy when its Thursday, because then it is the weekend & I have plans in store!
However, for now these two beautiful songs are keeping me sane, and the fact Glee's episode is Christmas music!

&hearts: Loveee.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday Wish-list

I know I have already posted today, but I feel the need to post these cute items somewhere.

I always want to shop online, but I am scared to begin because it seems so easy to type in the card number and go about your day. Anyways, I am online window shopping, dreaming to have these wonderful pieces to make beautiful stylish outfits. After Christmas it is a priority on the list to finally buy something from modcloth or lulus, we shall see.

                                   The Homeroom Sweetheart dress from modcloth.com
The Releve Dress from modcloth

The Unbroken Scarf from modcloth 
Knit Picky Yellow Scarf (I have been dying for a yellow scarf this color to pair with my red and black lumberjack jacket) from modcloth 
These cute boots from lulus, which are only left in my size. Should I? Should I not?

Rugby striped sweater from forever21

& lastly these super cute cargo jeggings (which I probably wouldn't like once I put on)

Hmmm. If only, will be doing some major shopping after Christmas. 

Leftovers & Christmas music.

The thing about freshman year in college is the fact you most likely are eating in the cafeteria 5-7 days a week. I do not prefer cafeteria food any day of the week, so when asked "Can I get you a to-go box?", the immediate response is yes, yes, and yes! So for right now I am eating chicken linguine with mushrooms and will probably have it for dinner as well.

This week is going to be a lot of pre-studying, projects and presentations, and morning wake-ups to christmas music, only to keep the spirit alive and the mood happy. I am looking forward to saturday, there is always something that gets me through the weeks and this week it is dinner in Dallas with my best friends. Life has been a mess(actually a wreck) the past few days, and my mind has been in a blur but come Christmas everything will hopefully disappear. I do not have class on friday, so after tomorrow I will only have one class left of every subject and then 3 finals. I am so close, I can taste it. Crossing my fingers I will productive instead of complacent. Needing every ounce of strength I can get from God, because he knows how weary I really am.

For now I will keep dreaming of this:

And some amazing christmas light looking with my wonderful friends.

photos taken from weheartit.com

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Today was a Horrible, Terrible, No good, Very bad day.

But this made it all better

"Love you girls so much. There is never enough time. Enjoy just sitting by the fire and listening to you laugh and talk. Our lives have been blessed by all your love. Have a wonderful Evening."

Later on in conversation

"Really enjoyed you this week although it was only one night. Love you. Life is short and so full of challenges but laughter is good for your soul and keeps your heart singing"

- from my wonderful, sweet, and meek dad.
I can't wait to be with him and the rest of my family for a whole month sitting by the fire, drinking coffee, laughing, and talking.

Also, the fact we sang old Christmas hymns at church.

I need to get away.
I need a break from the rush of life.

Contemplating is becoming a killer, need sleep.

♥ Loveeee.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

She says it so well.

"But I miss screamin' and fightin'
And kissin' in the rain
And it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name
You're so in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you"

-Taylor Swift 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Breezing through those 3 little words.

"I remember there was I time, I used to sing for you".

Back in the day, I was so innocent and so naive. Not to say I am not now but looking back, I would have never thought anybody would break my heart. I remember waiting online for him, even if it was late, just to see that he had interest in me, just to see the words "hey" pop up on the screen. hey turned into "good morning beautiful" and that turned into "I love you". I look at all the kids at the age of 13 and 14 now mouthing those 3 words that I gave away so easily, and I think how stupid they don't even know what that means (which I am sure people say about me that are older). I want to reach a hand to them and say "save it kiddo, youv'e got someone way more special to give it to you". I gave those three words to someone so quickly because I loved love so much that I came to the point where I couldn't wait for a person to whisper I love you too back into my ear. I would lay in bed dreaming of the day I would marry that boy, but guess what that boy walked away faster than I would have ever guessed. I was torn. That boy was the reason I started writing, it was my getaway, I escaped from the broken heart that he had ripped into pieces, thrown on the floor, and then stepped on. That's what it felt like anyways. Not only did I write, but I sang for him. I would sit on the other line singing whatever lines he asked me to sing. I wouldn't take back anything with that boy, of course if i ever did it over I would be smarter, guarded, and keep the word love to my daydreams. I think heartbreak is something people need to experience, I know it is a horrible, actually the worst thing I have ever experienced. It consumes every thought and you block it with every distraction, but it remains in the back of your head. However, I would not be the person I am today if it wasn't for it. I strongly believe that. I would not be as strong as I am if it wasn't for him stepping on the pieces and me having to get on my knees humbled before God so I could surrender, pick up the pieces, and place them back together with glue, encouraging words from friends, and God's guidance of where to place them. Heartbreak is frustrating, sad, and lonely, but it has the ability to shape you, depending on the direction you choose to walk. It's a lesson I will never never forget.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Lights will guide you home"

Wanna wish you a Merry Christmas.
My Christmas spirit was cherry, bright, and ongoing as of about 3 days ago, but for now it is going to have to be put on hold. I think if I get anymore excited than I won't be able to make it the next two weeks of school, which would be terrible. So for now I will admire from afar,
-The beautiful lights strung across the roofs of houses
-A little music, (Holiday Pandora Station) here and there
-The beautiful decorated Christmas Trees.

Happy Holidays.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

No motivation to lose.

I'm not going to lie, today was a non-stop day.
I actually did not even take a break to eat lunch, just munched on some Doritios and went on my way.
Days where I have this much motivation, if i stop, I know I won't finish.
I spent at least 5 1/2 hours in the library, if I calculated right. AT LEAST.
The best part was my hour break I took, I walked to the union laptop in hand, had a short conversation with my boy, bought some chickfila, sat down, and watched Glee.
I shamelessly ate that chickfila like a barbarian, not to mention I have never eaten a 12 pack of nuggets, but today after skipping lunch, you can bet I devoured it.
It is now 9:16 PM, and I have a psych test on friday, so tomorrow will be another day spent in the library starting at 9:30AM tomorrow.
I will finish this night off with a Skype conversation with the bestie, phone call with the boy, a heath bar, clean-washed face, and end it with melatonin dreams and a peaceful wake- up to coffee brewing in the morning.
Goodnight School, for tonight.

♥ Loveeeee