Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hey It's Ok

-to sometimes stop the car at the stop sign just to sneak a kiss.
-order pizza and stay home and watch a movie while everyone including your parents goes out
-dance around your room and sing at the top of your lungs
-to stay in your pajamas until 3 'o'clock in the afternoon
-count a dance party xbox game as your workout for the day
-buy clothes when you don't need them, and use shopping as therapy
-to want to get super dressed up and just feel pretty
-to eat two different kinds of pie for dessert because you can't decide
-walk into a store with your boyfriend and say funny things to each other just to see if people turn their heads
-buy a pair of high heels you may never wear but look beautiful just sitting in your closet
-to remember all the things you don't do regularly but know it's ok.


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