Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lazy days.

Sorry for the no posts, but I have been taking advantage of every chance of relaxation possible. However, today was sunday, and its about time I post. I woke up thinking today would be wonderful, and I would finally get to enjoy my boyfriend and spend some quality time. This was going to include church, lunch, flying kites at the park, and getting manicures (I convinced him because his nails are really bad & so are mine!) What a good day! This obviously was not put into action or I wouldn't be writing this. It was one of those lazy days where I woke up and slowly got ready. We made it to church, and had lunch with my parents, and quickly changed into some lazy day clothes. We got a kite, drove to the park, parked our car, and were in the process, PROCESS of getting the kite ready to fly when the phone rang with a text calling him to go work…Sometimes I wish I was I was little and didn't have to worry about my boyfriend having to go to work (selfish, I know oops!) just on days like this. It was going to be such a beautiful day only to turn right back around and go back home. So today will be a lazy sunday, as if I haven't been lazy enough the past week. It's ok this is what break is about. I should probably finish making my christmas gifts and wrapping, but I'll probably put it off until christmas eve. Hope everyone has a wonderful sunday afternoon, it is so beautiful today in Texas!


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