Wednesday, December 1, 2010

No motivation to lose.

I'm not going to lie, today was a non-stop day.
I actually did not even take a break to eat lunch, just munched on some Doritios and went on my way.
Days where I have this much motivation, if i stop, I know I won't finish.
I spent at least 5 1/2 hours in the library, if I calculated right. AT LEAST.
The best part was my hour break I took, I walked to the union laptop in hand, had a short conversation with my boy, bought some chickfila, sat down, and watched Glee.
I shamelessly ate that chickfila like a barbarian, not to mention I have never eaten a 12 pack of nuggets, but today after skipping lunch, you can bet I devoured it.
It is now 9:16 PM, and I have a psych test on friday, so tomorrow will be another day spent in the library starting at 9:30AM tomorrow.
I will finish this night off with a Skype conversation with the bestie, phone call with the boy, a heath bar, clean-washed face, and end it with melatonin dreams and a peaceful wake- up to coffee brewing in the morning.
Goodnight School, for tonight.

♥ Loveeeee

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