Monday, February 14, 2011

On another love note..

I wanted to share a little something thats running through my mind. 

You know that feeling when a boy brushes against the skin of your arm or hand for the first time? You get all tingly inside even if it was a complete accident. 
You know that feeling when he comes to your door for the very first time, shakes your dad's hand and of course your not ready to go yet, but when you are you come down the stairs and he just looks at you and you become so excited yet completely nervous before the door shuts behind you. 
You know that feeling where it's the second or third date and your fear that this is the part where things go wrong but you cling tightly hoping this one, this guy is different.
You know when you've been seeing the guy for a while now and it seems too soon but he lays that sweet little kiss on your cheek just to remind you of the fact he doesn't want you to worry, that he is different. You know the other feeling where you receive your first kiss? It's the scariest feeling in the world but full of so much innocence and about 1.000 thoughts on whether your doing it wrong or right are running through your mind.
You know after you've been dating 6 months and it is so unbelievable exciting because you have come so far and grown so much..together. 
You know the feeling where it's been over a year and everything starts blurring together? You fear things are becoming lost among school, friends, family, and all the other priorities? It feels like it's slipping through your fingers but your doing everything possible to keep strong.
You know the feeling when all these feelings come rushing back? The feelings you thought you would never get back or feel for "the first time" ever again? That feeling when you leave your love's presence and the second he walks away you miss him already? The feeling where a squeeze of the hand is all you need to be reminded that he is there? The feeling where it feels like all those other priorities have stopped along with time and it's just you and him, or him and you?  The feeling where your stomach all the sudden has butterflies it hasn't felt in a while? The feeling where you know he is your best friend and that's why all feelings come rushing? 

Let me tell you a little something, that was my today.
I have found my best friend. 
I am so lucky.
I am thankful we click so well, and spend time just belly-laughing together. 

Up high... 
Down lowww

Proud to call him my boyfran but also my best fran. 

Loveeee. ♥

Happy Valentines Day. 


Eva said...

aww adorable :) i love LOVE

CLowe said...

I have the belief that every year you love someone it grows deeper and maybe some of the little tingles fade but the depth is so much better they love you for all your weird habits and know exactly what your thinking..but they surprise you once in a while with those same tingles and daydreams and its always wonderful