Monday, February 28, 2011


I thought and kept thinking about how I needed to blog today, but honestly what to blog about?
How about everything I've contemplated today, boring? sorry, maybe you'll find an agreeing thought or something enjoyable!
-My excitement that spring break is 10 days away
-Easter season & the fact I just paid $3 for a bag of dark chocolate cadbury eggs. oops.
-Icky coughs coming on that I am praying off, and refusing the doctor.
-All my shows come on tonight at the same time! Which to watch!
-All the laughter still settling in my ears from the weekend, and hearing my babylove say my name over and over again. I am so proud she knows me so well!
-On another light note of baby love, seeing baby madison's face on the 3D sonogram, that is just crazy that you can see all her little features and she is not even done developing.
-The realization of all the people that are backing me up in life, the people that are gonna be there for a long time, the people that when they say "I'm here for you", they really mean it. Just being there means the world to me these days.
-The expensive facewash I thought was cheaper but apparently the prices in yellow at Kroger mean if you have a Kroger card, it is that cheap, not if you don't have one.
-Boyfriend passed his test this morning that he spent all last week studying for, really he barely made time for me, but its ok because this means he is a "certified network technician" and actually qualified for the job position, and he gets a raise! Couldn't be prouder of my man, I knew he could do it!
-The fact that my monday to-do list has everything checked off, except reading one chapter which Im putting on my tomorrow list because I am not feeling well enough to focus on the reading and it's really not due til monday.
-This verse from The Message version, "Is anyone crying for help? God is listening ready to rescue you. If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there; If your kicked in the gut, he'll catch your breath. Disciples so often get into trouble: still, God is there every time. He's your bodyguard, shielding every bone. Not even a finger gets broken" Psalm 34:17-20

He will catch my breath, that God is doing today. I've been kicked in the gut and he is 

Bliss is what that is. Its been a monday for sure, but the week is looking bright.
Lots of loveeeeeee. ♥

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The warmth of true love.

It is always around this time when everyone starts settling in, the kids have been asleep for awhile, and the laughing has come to a momentary halt for the evening. Some days you can laugh until endless hours of the night not because things are actually funny but more so because you are tired, but days like today the sun goes down on puffy eyes and the warmth of the family gathered on the couches. It doesn't mean their wasn't laughter, it means the laughing was exchanged until love embraced us all. It wraps it's arms around us and we hold on as tight as possible until exhaustion hits and we walk to our own rooms and close the door behind us. We are so tired and things in life continuously hold us down to our choking point, but when family comes together, those little things that we feel so deeply in our hearts that create knots in our stomach our soothed. The smiles exchanged put a warmth over us releasing any fears or anxieties that we have held so closely the past week or so. We fear of expressing them in the open so we keep to ourselves, but in a home it is different. Everyone is gathered, no one to impress, no one to fear that if they know the secrets you will be judged or not loved anymore, but more that they will love you with every fault. There are no barriers or restrictions, it is a home built on God's love, it surrounds us. The thoughts that have worried me so much in the past week are released immediately with the warmth of my family around me. There is no need to think about them but just to be completely me and know I will be loved no matter what. It is a family, but then we go back into our own space and close the door and it is quiet. It is quiet, for the first time today I have heard true silence. It is a good silence though, the kind where you can hear yourself thinking so loud, I might even wake someone. It is good thoughts though, like how grateful I am for mad chaos 23 hours a day, and thankful for the silence at that last hour before we lay our heads on our pillows and drift to sleep. Thoughts of reason, like why I love home, and the loving air that permeates throughout the house whether through the sound of screaming young children, giggling, the cups of coffee being left around the kitchen, or just through the smell of my dad's favorite candle drifting throughout the air, the smell of the warmth of a family who love each other. Yes, this I why I love home, this is why I love the good kind of silence because I realize the most important things in my life like my family and their love. This is home and home is where my family is.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Be anxious for nothing.

School is really getting to me and I have not quite figured out why yet. I feel exhausted and like I am working so hard I keep stretching my arms out to this unreachable goal. I am on top of my homework and feel actually even the slightest bit ahead of my weekly to do list, so why do I feel anxious and like school
is taking over? I think I am just so unbelievably ready to not thing about school for a whole week and relax. I think I got so excited about spring break so quickly that is my brain and body just do not want to do school, even though I am forcing it. I need to stop staring at my planner a week in advance and think about the now. My family is so encouraging and every time I speak to one of them I feel an overwhelming sense of contentment and peace as if God is using them to speak his peace into me on days where I convince myself I am too busy to hear. I am excited to enjoy my family this weekend and even more thankful God has subdued most of my anxiety, of course I have had to constantly surrender it to him knowing he is going to calm me more than anything else in the world.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7

Loveee. ♥

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Productive Wednesday.

I have had such a great day, I just woke up and have slowly gotten everything done on my list of things to do today. I have told myself to commit to school as my job until spring break. This does require me to work my butt off though and stay on top of school. This week has been motivated and productive, and my time management is working to its highest level this week. Thank the Lord! I will be so ready for that week off by the time spring break is here, and I will be able to enjoy it knowing it was well-deserved. It is a little gloomy here today but it's ok because the sun is shining in my mind. I feel so content and on track today, praying it doesn't feel the need to leave until Spring Break. Ready for the weekend, sisters are all going to be home, and nothing beats laughing loudly with all of them.

Hope everyone is having such a great wednesday, half way through the week!

Lots of Loveeee.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes.

If you've read my blog, you would know I kind of love shoes. I never really thought I did until I started blogging. I realized I wrote multiple posts pertaining to shoes and my wanting of some beautiful pairs, but mostly I love heels. I don't find myself in them that often, only on occasions. However, there is something about a gorgeous pair sitting in your closet and making you feel good just seeing the box and know that when you put those babies on your feet you will feel beautiful, and like a model of course. Well for Valentines Day my mom found some great sales on the prettiest shoes (she has amazing shoe taste) and I thought I would share my newest additions :]

From left to right {Gianni Bini, Mixx(LuLus),Antonio Melani, Gianni Bini}



Aren't they great? Can not wait to take them out on the town. 

A little peak at the current heel collection..sadly this isn't even all of them.

I might be slightly obsessed.
Not sure you can ever have too much, plus they make you feel so good.
Completely worth it.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Let it begin,

the countdown that of tomorrow.

16 days total until spring-break.
13 school days until spring-break.

Of course there is at least 3 or 4 tests inserted in, a few english writing projects, some government exercises, and all the other stuff they label academics.

No big deal though because best friend is visiting, other friend's concert, more baby love, new niece 3D sonogram, sister time, boyfriend fun, class reunion (new tshirts!), and God will be the little things in between that keep me joyful and motivated to keep on.

I think I can survive 16 days.. not too bad, just keep telling myself by next monday it will only be 10!

Valentines Date Night

Best food you will ever have, guaranteed. 
This saturday evening me and boyfriend celebrated Valentines Day. It was simple and beautiful, with a little bit of confusion in the middle because of course our perfect evening had to be interrupted with imperfection, but all completely worth it. I came to the conclusion not to wear my sparkly dress because I needed to look classy and grown up :]. Anyways despite the fact we went to one restaurant, waited an hour, and left, we ended up at the Silver Fox steakhouse. When I say that this is the best steak you will ever have, I mean it. It just tastes so good that you can't even talk. I enjoyed that and of course my favorite side, Macaroni and Cheese. I love being able to dress up and feel sophisticated and it just makes it wonderful that boyfriend is here to take me out. I am thankful and maybe a bit spoiled but he says he was just giving me what I needed "A night of relaxation, and a chance to feel pampered", He's the best right? I know. I am so lucky. Hope everyone has a beautiful monday afternoon.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Celebrity Loves.

Needless to say, I am absolutely in love.
Her style, Her hair, and Her eyes.

Have a good Saturday! 


Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's that time again..seems like it was just yesterday I was saying hello to the weekend. Not really, its been quite the week and the work load has not let up much. I did however do all the hw due by tuesday next week except for the studying part blah but thats what sunday and monday night are for right? All I gots to say is that tomorrow at 11:50 I am heading home, it's only been two weeks and I miss it so much, you better believe my car is all packed with laundry, clean clothes, and a Valentines present that I have been waiting to give to my boy all week!

Thursday night is college night here in Denton, TX and everyone where else there is a bar and a crowd of college kids who are thirsting for thirsty thursday and a headache as they trudge to class on Friday morning..if that is they can make it out bed. I'm not much of a bar person but I did spend my thursday night in the best way ever.
-Worked out, it always feels so good especially when you really didn't want to go
-Ate some chick-fil-a, yeah yeah seems counter-productive, but I got the char-boiled chicken on wheat bun? It's a little bit healthier right?
-Painted my nails and toes, Fingers-The real teal and Toes-some tangeriny color that I didn't look at the name.
-Caught up on all my shows that I missed due to the homework load this week.
-Skyped with the bestie, It has been impossible lately but we always find time to talk in increments, needless to say I was glad to have a nice long conversation.
-Did a face mask, I am not sure if it is psychological or not but my skin feels clearer, on the other hand it is still looking pretty tough. stress is killin it.
-Had a snickers peanut butter square, those things are heaven. I mean it. Deliciousness.

Amazing thursday evening. Happy weekend everyone!

Sweetest Dreams, Loveeeee.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Retail Therapy.

I don't know if it's the warm weather change or this thought in my mind that Spring is coming but I have this sudden urge for new clothes! ahhh this is dangerous considering I don't have room for more clothes nor money to buy them. I need to be kept away from all clothes because it is a guilty trip waiting to happen. Tomorrow is thursday! Thursday means I can have a mindset all day that I am going home the next day, and it means I can pack all my bags because I know I am leaving for the weekend, I just really love Fort Worth. My family isn't even really gonna be home this weekend, I am actually headed to an empty house until late friday night. It is disappointing, but on the other hand it's ok because Saturday night I am putting on my sparkly dress and high heels, and gonna have a good timeeee. Get ready for lots and lots of pictures!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

College Kills...

and for your information on days like today it especially kills. I start to feel and look like this. I found myself leaning against a cubical desk trying to not become unfocused, and then when I needed a break I found myself slowly trudging across campus. Sometimes I stare at the information so long it feels like I should know everything, but at the end of the day I still feel so unprepared for the test. I have spent at least 4 hours of time today reviewing. I need to get the blood flowing again so I am headed to release tension and hit the elliptical where there I will be sweating out history facts I am sure. Blah. Get excited because at 5:50 tomorrow when my math lab ends I will be full of joy, because even though the week isn't over and I have two days of classes left, I will be sinking into relaxation weekend mode. For now, lots of Loveeeeee.


Monday, February 14, 2011

On another love note..

I wanted to share a little something thats running through my mind. 

You know that feeling when a boy brushes against the skin of your arm or hand for the first time? You get all tingly inside even if it was a complete accident. 
You know that feeling when he comes to your door for the very first time, shakes your dad's hand and of course your not ready to go yet, but when you are you come down the stairs and he just looks at you and you become so excited yet completely nervous before the door shuts behind you. 
You know that feeling where it's the second or third date and your fear that this is the part where things go wrong but you cling tightly hoping this one, this guy is different.
You know when you've been seeing the guy for a while now and it seems too soon but he lays that sweet little kiss on your cheek just to remind you of the fact he doesn't want you to worry, that he is different. You know the other feeling where you receive your first kiss? It's the scariest feeling in the world but full of so much innocence and about 1.000 thoughts on whether your doing it wrong or right are running through your mind.
You know after you've been dating 6 months and it is so unbelievable exciting because you have come so far and grown so much..together. 
You know the feeling where it's been over a year and everything starts blurring together? You fear things are becoming lost among school, friends, family, and all the other priorities? It feels like it's slipping through your fingers but your doing everything possible to keep strong.
You know the feeling when all these feelings come rushing back? The feelings you thought you would never get back or feel for "the first time" ever again? That feeling when you leave your love's presence and the second he walks away you miss him already? The feeling where a squeeze of the hand is all you need to be reminded that he is there? The feeling where it feels like all those other priorities have stopped along with time and it's just you and him, or him and you?  The feeling where your stomach all the sudden has butterflies it hasn't felt in a while? The feeling where you know he is your best friend and that's why all feelings come rushing? 

Let me tell you a little something, that was my today.
I have found my best friend. 
I am so lucky.
I am thankful we click so well, and spend time just belly-laughing together. 

Up high... 
Down lowww

Proud to call him my boyfran but also my best fran. 

Loveeee. ♥

Happy Valentines Day. 

Happy Love day,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentines Day today! It is such a wonderful day today and I am so sad to say that it is almost over, well for some. I know my real Valentines Day is on the calendar for this saturday and I can't wait, but I do have to admit today was pretty wonderful. It was a day full of sunshine and fun. Boyfriend came to Denton and we enjoyed a nice lunch at 5 Guys Burgers and then headed to Braums for some delicious ice cream which we took with us on our walk in the park. Perfect? Yes. I love days like today where the world stops and you just get to enjoy. I'm so very thankful for a day where everyone can just love love freely and you know I rocked my red and pink accessories today to show I was an avid supporter for V-Day.

Pink earrings & a Red bow. 
Much love :] 

I also got to give boyfriend my V-day treat today! I made oreo balls and wrapped them all pretty with decorative heart bag and a pretty ribbon. I love being able to just show love in different ways. 

mmmm.. I might have snuck a few for myself before I gave them away. 

Much Loveeeee. XOXO.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

la di da

Spring is here and it is so beautiful. When I say it is absolutely gorgeous, I meant it. 
I am going to take it all in and just sit outside and read and completely embrace it. I have been waiting for this weather since the first day of winter. I can now wear my cute peep toe shoes that I have missed so terribly, and I can sit out side and read peacefully. 
This weather just makes me feel so content and thankful for God's control over this beautiful weather he created. I can't believe tomorrow is already monday, the weekend went by so fast. I can't complain though because I am going home with weekend for a Valentines celebration and I'm ecstatic. Not to mention the fact that tomorrow is Valentines Day and you know I'm excited at the fact my boy is gonna be up in Denton. woo hoo, people I love coming to Denton always makes the week better. Get ready for a week full of excited happy lovely posts about this weather. Enjoy your sunday afternoon, monday is coming quick.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Questions & Comments

First I just have to say I had a guilty little therapeutic shopping spree today, and I couldn't feel more relaxed. I got homework done and am now enjoying a romantic movie marathon with lifetime. I loveee Valentines Day with everything in me, I love the fact all the stores look like pink and red heart threw up on them, just saying because it's true. I love that everyone has the look of just pure love in their eyes and I love that there is one day dedicated to just show everyone that you love them and are happily in love with love. Last Valentines day I rocked the classic white dress with red, pink, and white touches of color to it with a lace overlay seen here, Valentines Day 2010.
Now it is Valentines Day 2011 coming up around the corner and I have a question…
Remember the different blue shades sparkle dress and blue suede heels mentioned in this post?
Well….I now own both which I bought for new years and if you read my new year's post you would know I did not get to wear that outfit unfortunately. 
So my question is this, is there a dress code for V-day? Is sparkles too much because if not I will be rocking this. 

Yes or No? Maybe with some black heels? 

Comments please and thanks.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Just a little note.

Oh and hey um just wanted to leave you with this:

Isn't she the cutest? I just look at pictures to get me through the day! 

p.s. she got that last little face there from me..

Yeah that's me on the right, this right here used to be my signature face.
Look familiar? I think so. Little babylove inherited it for sure.


It's Friday.

Do you know what that means? It means no more monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursdays to deal with. It means I can sleep in tomorrow. It means Valentines Day is 3 days away, and that we are that much closer to sb! Unfortunately do you know what else that means? It means I have a butt-load of homework and studying to do because I have 2 tests on monday! Which means I have to stay here and study and not go home..this has been hard. I know I only live an hour away, but with all the anxiety about school i've had, it is the best escape. So yes I am excited about the weekend, but no I am not looking forward to homework. In fact, I am putting it off and going to enjoy this friday. I am going to take my little to get her nails done, because what little girl doesn't love being spoiled? Then I am going to redbox a movie, eat and enjoy! Then tomorrow I will hit the books and maybe reward myself with a break and trip out to Target. That's not a maybe, I lied, it's a definite yes! Hope that you all have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. It is suppose to be warmer too, enjoy the spring weather for me, It's my favorite.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hello Weekend..

Tomorrow is Friday, I am ecstatic.
If you didn't know I have a 5 days off of school in total, 5 days! So of course I have become lazy, tired, and unmotivated. This weekend is unfortunately will be a time to get myself back on track. We shall see about that! However, monday is Valentines Day and I can't wait just to see my boy, even though we actually aren't celebrating until next weekend. That just means one more thing to look forward too and you better believe that I have a whole countdown prepared from Valentines Day until Spring break! Get excited, but for now Hello weekend, I've been anticipating you all since last weekend.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wearied Love.

Mamma came to Denton and it was the best ever. I love my family, if you haven't noticed. It just makes the whole week better when me and mama get to do what we do best, SHOP! Naturally, we walked around Dillards and found great deals and had the best dinner at Outback with sister. It was a great break to really relax, even though it seems like I've been doing a lot of that lately. Life is good, and I am so very blessed, yet I still feel so weary and stressed. My mind is at a constant pace running and my emotions are out of whack. God is good though and has full control and I just wanted to share some song lyrics.

You are good, You are good
When there's nothing good in me
You are love, You are love
On display for all to see
You are peace, You are peace
When my fear is crippling

I'm running to Your arms, I'm running to Your arms
The riches of Your love will always be enough
Nothing compares to your embrace.

My heart will sing
No other name
Jesus Jesus

How beautiful is that? It is so very true too. God is peace, good, love and his embrace fixes everything. He is Jesus, My heart will sing no other name. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The simple, The Genuine

"Had some extra coffee this morning and I thought of you. Sometimes the simplest of things brings us the greatest pleasure. Love you" -Dad

Let me tell you something about my house, everyone pretty much in the family likes coffee. You see, it's kind of sacred but you have to get up early to get a cup in the first pot. It is more like a strategy because mom and dad have probably been up since 5 in the morning and both have had multiple cups by 8:30. If you wake up just short of 8:30 you'll get the last cup without coffee grounds at the bottom. I am learning this quickly. However, you wake up at 9 and have to make another pot which is just such a process, fresh out of bed. Excuse me if I'm lazy and tired in the morning. I need my coffee. Anyways, anytime from 8:40-9, Dad will be walking in that kitchen to pour another cup..If I get a cup first I am content for the most of the morning because I don't have to wait for it to be made, or have to heat it up. So today, it was natural for my dad to go in there and see a little bit left for himself and hear no one say "there's no more coffee left for me". He didn't see it as a bad thing, he saw it as something so sweet, precious, and simple. It was a genuine simple moment in his morning, that made it better. I was reminded when I got that text why little, simple things mean so much to me. I have a father who is genuine in life with the biggest heart, and I am so thankful that he has taught me to see the little things that are often overlooked, and appreciate their value in life. Those simple genuine things seem so small, but when you really take them in, life has a whole other level of meaning. It is appreciated in every aspect, even if it you see it through a cup of coffee or a sunrise. 

Enjoy you day, and notice those small things that mean more than they may seem.

                                                                      Loveeee. ♥

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend Review

Honestly up until friday evening, my week was filled sniffles, snow, and netflix.
However, I was rescued and saved by a friends parents who picked us up in the icy weather and drove us home. I then got to really enjoy the snowy blizzard that visited Texas

Brother & nephew made for a fun group to walk in the snow with.
By saturday afternoon the roads were finally clear so me and boyfran set out for those DQ blizzards we had been craving all week! 
They have mini blizzards now, perfect size!! 

Then I got to go see Green hornet will all my boys: dad,boyfran,brother, & nephew!
It's pretty funny, I suggest it! 
Heres to being goofy with 3D glasses! 

It was a wonderful weekend, and a great break from school! 


Saturday, February 5, 2011


Oh hey, just wanted to say one thing.

I have a cutie of a boyfriend, even if he is wearing a tshirt in the snow.


Best things:

Sorry for the lack of the posts but laziness is getting to me or maybe its the fact my house feels colder than outside and there's snow on the ground!! I got to go home and get out of the crowdedness of a dorm room, but am stranded at home without a car. So let me tell you a little about the morning, woke up to the sound of nephew who just has endless amounts of energy ( really it's insane, but I'm getting used to it) plus its kind of cute. Secondly, enjoyed an amazing cup of coffee, favorite thing about home besides family. Now, I am listening to "you are the best thing"- Ray Lamontagne. Momma is out running errands, Dad is at work, and I am home with nephew and little brother. It is not quiet whatsoever, in fact nephew when all the way upstairs to put on his glasses so he can play the that is what I am listening too. However, let me tell you something I am so grateful for all the best things in life that make it so wonderful.

Best things like:
-The sunshine I haven't seen all week shining off that beautiful sparkling snow
-Getting crafty for Valentines Day
-Red- Velvet Cupcakes
-Sweet texts from sister including a cute picture and goodnight from niece kaitlyn marie, I can just hear her saying my name now
-Boyfriends wake up calls, even if its more like a mid-afternoon call
-Nephews unending imagination, it is pure bliss to listen to sometimes, something I wish I still had
- song lyrics that stick out, especially when you have listened to the song a million times and you finally hear the words
-Puppy laying on the ground just sunbathing with all 4 legs crookedly in the air, almost like he is playing dead but no just getting some warmth on the belly
-hearing this "I was just thinking about how I am dating the most beautiful girl in the world"
me: "Disagree"
boyfran: "Well I don't, and it is the truth"

I am blessed to say the least, and life is perfectly imperfectly wonderful. ♥

I am off to go be crafty ( including decopage & paint) yayyy!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This is round 2 of being stuck in a dorm room, only today is much worse because I am stuck inside with a runny nose, cough, and a headache that won't leave my side. I have at least one more day of this whole sitting in bed watching movies all day thing because school is already cancelled for tomorrow. Texas is so confused about it's weather, we are actually having a real winter this year where it snows and stays for days. It would be even nicer if school was cancelled on friday but the roads cleared by saturday so I can drive home. Despite the fact, I'm feeling under the weather, won't stop me from dreaming about Valentines Day. Been browsing all week for some cute picture to get me excited, enjoy! ♥
