Tuesday, April 12, 2011

To be Honest,

I'm tired.

emotionally & physically.

My body is aching for more than summer nights. It wants early mornings sipping coffee with the family, and waking up to days filled with freedom. Craving those late humid sticky evenings sitting around outside laughing, and lounging by the pool in the afternoon as the sun beats on our bare skin. I am anxiously awaiting arrival of the new baby girl to come in May, and to be home. Home for more than 2 days at a time. To just be there and not have to leave. Tired of hugging goodbye even if I'll see them again in 5 or 6 days. Tired of missing people.

School's a killer right now, but I have 3 weeks left of real school and then a week of finals.

I can do it. I know I can.

Sorry for the lack of posting, trying to balance everything including blogging, and right now it's just not number one on the to do list. But promise as soon as summer comes, things will be different and maybe adding some changes so I'm not too much of a bore!


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