Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter weekend.

Easter is such a beautiful day.. always. Regardless of the weather that may or may not have been pretty, or the fact that I was missing half of my family. Holidays are changing around the house, being the youngest of 4 girls, I am often left behind. All my other sisters are growing up and creating their own families and traditions. As happy as I am for them to have that opportunity, I miss them. I miss the laughter that gathers around the kitchen table, and the 10 half drank-en coffee cups let on the counter, and just them. This easter was much different. The first easter it has just been me, my little brother, mom, and dad. Just the four of us. I have gotten used to it being just the four of us on weekends, vacations, and dinner outings, but not yet on holidays. Easter is always beautiful because of the reason we celebrate. We are alive and well because Jesus covered our sins with his plentiful grace, but don't worry because he resurrected and he is alive and well too! I am thankful I was able to celebrate with some of the family, and we bonded alot this weekend as "just the four of us". It may have been quiet and discrete bonding, but it was special. We went to the rangers game and ate junkfood, ate a wonderful fancy sunday lunch, watched the apprentice, and just simple enjoyed each others company just the four of us.

and I although I missed my sisters and their husbands, and the babies running around.
It was nice.


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