Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I don't have much time to blog today, but I did have an writing assignment due today and I thought I might share. We had to choose and emotion and describe it vividly with abstract words. I chose the subject of heartbreak.


"I picked up the phone. Your breaths were brisk but petite, I could barely comprehend the words slipping out of your mouth. But I knew. I knew what had happened. I whispered delicately, the words “I’m on my way”, you only responded with an elongated exhale. I heard a beep. beep. beep. The line went dead. Within 10 minutes later, I appeared at your door where I had stood and waited so many times waiting for you to finish getting ready. This time it was unlocked. I walked right up the carpeted stairs without saying a word and there you were. Placed down on the glazed hard-wood floor. Surrounded by the puddle of salty tears. You couldn’t utter a word. You didn’t need to. Each tear slid down your rosy red cheeks and smacked into the wood floor as you blubbered through each breath. And with every inhale and exhale, the hot breath created a fog against the wood floor where your face was pressed against. I sat. And sat. And sat. I sat there all night. We didn’t speak. I was just there. Sometimes thats all you need. Your emotions had enclosed you. Damien Rice lyrics filled the room. “So why’d you fill my sorrows with the words you’ve borrowed from the only place you’ve known. Why’d ya sing Hallelujah If it means nothing to you. Why’d you sing with me at all?”. You fell asleep on the floor that night. I wanted to move you but you were dead weight. I could not sleep. I wanted to be there for you when you woke up. I had to be there. But I slipped into a deep sleep. I couldn’t fight it. My eyes closed strenuously. Emotions are exhausting, even more so when you have to be strong for someone else. The sun’s rays shined into the peaks of the blinds the next morning. I had passed out. You were still there. This day was different though. You were laying on a pillow. Eyes wide open. Staring at the pictures mounted upon the wall by nails. You knew you had to take each one down. Each and every one of them. You had accepted reality. You wanted life to stop. You knew it wouldn’t ever slow down. I  knew it was a gonna be a process. I had been there before. I climbed off of the bed and planted myself right next you. I placed my hand in yours and compacted the two of our hands. Together. I looked into your weary eyes that reflected all the memories passing through your mind. You would be replaying every little detail in your head for a few days. But you had to know something you didn’t want to hear. And so I told you. I told you something every girl blocks from their brain in these situations. “It’s going to be ok”. You looked at me like someone who was standing at the bottom of a giant hole in the ground, reaching up but knew she would never get out. So I said it one more time. Just so you knew. “It’s going to be ok”.You looked defeated. You placed your head back down on the pillow, gripped my hand, and shut your eyes tightly. This is what heart break does to you. It makes you second guess yourself. It brings you to a place where reality doesn’t exist. A place where a room full of old pictures still appear on the wall, words that should never be said unless meant remembered, and sleepless nights.It makes you stronger than ever before. It builds you into a new person. But it’s a battle to get there. It’s hard to remember who you are without a person’s name there anymore, when it was attached for so long. And then Damien Rice reminded us of something. “It’s not that were scared, It’s just that it’s delicate”. That was exactly what that moment was, delicate. ""


p.s. (please don't take credit or post anywhere without credit considering I wrote this myself.)

1 comment:

CLowe said...

wonderful writing sister