Tuesday, March 1, 2011


isn't as welcomed as I thought it would be. I thought I would be enjoying the excitement that march is finally here and with it comes Spring. However, this was not the case march was not so welcomed by my body at least. It rejected the idea of spring and instead decided to make me sick. Meaning that its 7:45, I am at home in my own bed hoping for an amazing night of sleep, seeing I have to get up early and head back to school in the morning. College is a lot harder to skip subject wise, yeah no one cares if you don't show but they also are not going to catch you up or reteach anything. You miss a day, you are behind Days like this I wish I was in highschool so that I could say mom not feeling good, not going to school tomorrow. It is a decision in college, so tomorrow I will suffer through the classes and math lab, and do so by taking naps in intervals. Well here's to March and hopefully  I can get over this yucky respirtory infection quickly! Goodnight, I have nyquil in the systyem and I am ready to pass out!


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