Monday, March 28, 2011

It it over yet?

You know those days where you wake up and go about your day but in the slowest most defeated way possible? Those days where school seems like the biggest thing to conquer even though its probably the smallest? When work is frustrating to the point where you want to yell " I quit" an walk away with a huge amount of dignity like in the movies, only it would be the biggest mistake ever. Maybe you've watched a scary movie and the peak of the movie is on and everyone is screaming, but you, you have your knees pulled to your chest as if they will protect you, and your eyes covered by your hands as you slightly peek through asking "Is it over yet?" You know what I'm talking about, I know you do. Well, this is me today peaking through my hands as I glance at the clock and wonder is monday over yet? Summer is so close and I know I keep saying that but it's hard to want to finish when all you really want to do is enjoy hot summer afternoons, and nights ending late into the night without a care in the world. For now all my weekends I am treating like summer (its so wonderful, you should try it).

Besides the fact I had a break down today and cried for no reason except that I am nervous, bothered, and scared for things to come or maybe I just feel like I am being hit head on with decisions I don't want to make but rather someone make them for me. On days like today all I want to do is remember everyone I love in life just because It makes me happy to be where I am and thankful for the people I am surrounded by. So I thought I would share, I'll try not to ramble but then again its what mondays are for.

My Brother:
He is crazy, obnoxious, and a little brother who plays that role perfectly. I love him to death good and bad days, but the goods are always fun. I have definitely done some of my best jamming in the car with him in the front seat beside me. 
My sisters:

My sisters are fun, goofy, and easily always supportive.
Kortni-She is carefree, my twin, Nonjudgmental, understanding and always always so good to talk to when everyone else is driving you crazy in the world.
Whittney-She is fun, ambitious, and always setting goals that never cease to amaze me. She has a creative edge to her that I love so much.
Kelsey- She is different but in the best way possible, and the funniest person I know hands down. I definitely have done my share of laying on the floor crying laughing with her. She is inspiring with her ability to always stand out.

My Dad:
He is the sweetest, meekest, genuine man in my life. He is happy to spend time with us as much as possible even in his busiest work season. He is always been a good example, and easy to talk to. He is amazing dad and the best provider for his family.

My Mom:
She is so kind and always ready to stop what she's doing to spend time with me, She has this wisdom about her that as long as she agrees with me then I know I am doing the right thing. She always knows. My solid rock is what she has become to me.

I am so blessed to have a wonderful family on the good days and the rough days.


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