Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I thought I said goodbye winter?

Ummm. Texas needs to know I said goodbye to winter weather along time ago when I pulled out my flip flops, and tank tops, and packed up my coats and scarfs. 

It's almost April for goodness sake, quit teasing us weather. The spring is what lets me know summer is close, but of course now my body is confused thinking it feels more like winter break. 

Texas weather is crazy and is supposed to be bringing springy cheer, not winter blues.

All I want to do is curl up in bed, watch friends, and drink a warm cup of coffee all day.

Those of you who have warm weather, be so thankful! 
But for those of us Texans, try to stay dry and warm today!! 


Monday, March 28, 2011

It it over yet?

You know those days where you wake up and go about your day but in the slowest most defeated way possible? Those days where school seems like the biggest thing to conquer even though its probably the smallest? When work is frustrating to the point where you want to yell " I quit" an walk away with a huge amount of dignity like in the movies, only it would be the biggest mistake ever. Maybe you've watched a scary movie and the peak of the movie is on and everyone is screaming, but you, you have your knees pulled to your chest as if they will protect you, and your eyes covered by your hands as you slightly peek through asking "Is it over yet?" You know what I'm talking about, I know you do. Well, this is me today peaking through my hands as I glance at the clock and wonder is monday over yet? Summer is so close and I know I keep saying that but it's hard to want to finish when all you really want to do is enjoy hot summer afternoons, and nights ending late into the night without a care in the world. For now all my weekends I am treating like summer (its so wonderful, you should try it).

Besides the fact I had a break down today and cried for no reason except that I am nervous, bothered, and scared for things to come or maybe I just feel like I am being hit head on with decisions I don't want to make but rather someone make them for me. On days like today all I want to do is remember everyone I love in life just because It makes me happy to be where I am and thankful for the people I am surrounded by. So I thought I would share, I'll try not to ramble but then again its what mondays are for.

My Brother:
He is crazy, obnoxious, and a little brother who plays that role perfectly. I love him to death good and bad days, but the goods are always fun. I have definitely done some of my best jamming in the car with him in the front seat beside me. 
My sisters:

My sisters are fun, goofy, and easily always supportive.
Kortni-She is carefree, my twin, Nonjudgmental, understanding and always always so good to talk to when everyone else is driving you crazy in the world.
Whittney-She is fun, ambitious, and always setting goals that never cease to amaze me. She has a creative edge to her that I love so much.
Kelsey- She is different but in the best way possible, and the funniest person I know hands down. I definitely have done my share of laying on the floor crying laughing with her. She is inspiring with her ability to always stand out.

My Dad:
He is the sweetest, meekest, genuine man in my life. He is happy to spend time with us as much as possible even in his busiest work season. He is always been a good example, and easy to talk to. He is amazing dad and the best provider for his family.

My Mom:
She is so kind and always ready to stop what she's doing to spend time with me, She has this wisdom about her that as long as she agrees with me then I know I am doing the right thing. She always knows. My solid rock is what she has become to me.

I am so blessed to have a wonderful family on the good days and the rough days.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Confession-Session Sunday"

- I have lost track of time reading pages and pages of blogs until I've read the whole thing, I just feel so content clicking older entries exploring one's story with a cup of coffee at my right side.

-My cravings are outrageous, in a good way of course. Just the fact I crave things and until consumed my body is hungry,hungry, hungry. ha. One thing is for sure that they do know good food like nothing else. Boyfriend agrees that he wouldn't eat such good food if it weren't for all my crazy cravings. So thanks to my wonderful 6th sense called cravings, food is always good.

-I can't wake up on sundays, I am lazy, slow, and unmotivated. I want to lay in bed all day and drink coffee, and do nothing.

-I am terrible at math. I mean terrible. I have 6 weeks of it left and  a final, then maybe I will never ever step foot into a math class again or at least in the next 4 years.

- My favorite thing to do right now is roam West 7th in Fort Worth and eat outside at they're amazing restaurants. It just makes my saturdays so absolutely wonderful. It's probably going to be my staple summer activity.

-I have a slight obsession with Chick-fil-a, and they are putting one within less than 3 minutes away from home. Breakfast on the way to work every day? yes. YIKES!

-I want to be a runner so bad. One day? maybeee.

-I am dying to live in a loft. I have a lot of far off dreams.

- I get anxious if I stare at my planner too long but only because I am so excited to be so close to being done with freshman year!! yeahhh! Summmaaaa here I come.

I like confession sessions, how about you? New every sunday afternoon tradition???

Hope everyone is indulging in pure laziness just like me :]


Friday, March 25, 2011

Monday, you can fall apart.

"Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Oh, Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

I don't care if Mondays black
Tuesday, Wednesday - heart attack
Thursday, never looking back
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday, you can hold your head
Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed
Or Thursday - watch the walls instead
It's Friday, I'm in love"

The cure is so wonderful, pure genius. This song has been stuck in my head all day and making my day so much more cheery. I am going to be "in love" every friday, not really, I wish but maybe if I sing this is all the time, it will just seem like the best day ever. Anyhoo, it's the weekend and my brain is dead but I will leave with you two things.

First that I am officially a declared Speech-Language pathology major and I couldn't be happier with how things are playing out. I cannot wait to start major classes next semester! 

Second, that summertime is close. Doesn't seeing this make you excited to see cute baby bellies in bikinis! 
My baby love happens to be the cutest in one! 

eeeek. Can't wait. 


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dear Brentlee,

Happy Birthday Brent, Brentlee, Brentapher! I have loved watching you grow from the moment you were born. You were my first completely blood related nephew. You are the first to call me aunt and I am proud to call you my favorite baby boy, kiddo, and buddy. I love you, and am excited to see where your life will go. You are gonna be the shining light in a dark room, hands down.

This is going to be more of a picture/explain post because I know he will love it more if he can see himself on the blog as that would make any kid excited.

So heres to my favorite now 8 year old boy one the block, Happy Birthday baby boy or should I should say big boy!

Let me just tell you a few of my favorite things about this kiddo that I love. 

1. He loves hugs. I mean loves. He is willing to give them about 95% of the time, the other 5% is only because he is a "boy" and sometimes giving hugs is not included in that, but its ok.
2. He is such a guy's guy. Loves football, playing in the mud, video games, and just loves climbing around and wrestling.
3. His heart is so good. I can just see it shining through his sweet smile, and he is so much fun. This kid has got more imagination and energy than any kid within 100 mile radius. 
4. His laugh is contagious and his kisses are sweet. 

5. He has the light around him and he glows with happiness, he has got a servant attitude and his mammas carefree spirit. Who couldn't love that mixture? 
6.He is an awesome big brother, babylove is so lucky. 
7. This 8 year old boy has been more than most 8 year old boys, and he is so strong and so very brave. I mean it when I say that (regardless of the funny picture). He is going to be so adventurous and courageous when he is older, no doubt. He will be someones hero for sure and his testimony of life will be great to hear. 

Happy Birthday buddy, Always loved you to pieces, and always will.
Don't Forget It. 



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Summer Teaser.

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.
Guess what?

It is 72 degrees right now, and on the way up to 82. It feels just like summer, everyone is pulling out their cute tiny denim shorts, tan skin, sunglasses, and flip flops of course! It is such a tease still being in school in this weather. It's just not fair waking up to that beautiful sunshine and having to walk right under neath it only for 5 minutes until you enter into the class for the day. You can bet for those short 5 minutes, I am pretending that it's summer in my head. Soon soon summer will be here but until then my day looks likes this hot summer day here:

Happy Wednesday!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Glimpse into Austin, TX

So sorry for the lack of blogging! I had to get past a day full of studying before I could continue on with normal life. Today felt more like a monday, or just a day where everything is catching up to you. I had to get my oil changed (definitely not a girls job!), get gas, get a car wash. To say the least, my car, Lola, needed some major cleaning!

On another note, my sister put up the pictures from Austin and I thought I would share some of my favorites.
Me & Momma who is looking good by the way! 

"I love you so much". Fact. 

Sister Whittney! She is lucky to live in such a artsy place. 

Swing on the sidewalk? I like it! 

Hey Cupcakes! 

Etsy. ♥
So close, yet, So far out. Pun intended. 

I like this a lot for some reason.

Lots of Loveeeeee.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

See Ya Spring Break

Unfortunately I have to say my goodbyes to the lovely 2011 spring break. It was completely wonderful, and you know that feeling when you know you have to walk away from something but don't want to.ever. It's not a choice but when you do walk away, you have never felt better, you feel content, and on top of the world. Tonight the door shut behind me and I got an overwhelming feeling of excitement, joy, and peace for life. It was like my heart just filled with true happiness. It was perfect. It could have been the drive out to Austin and staying the night with sister and shopping with mom, it could have been flying out to Odessa and waking up to my baby loves and catching up on movies with sister, it could have been because I didn't think about school for a week, and It could have been because of today (which I need to tell you about). I woke up, soaked in a hot bath, did laundry, sorted clothes, and then boyfriend picked me up! We went and had lunch at the most amazing place ever, Yucatan Taco Stand, yum! Then we did some roaming around west 7th, and then went swimming. It felt like a summer day, we swam, grilled hamburgers, laid out, and roasted marshmallows. Best. Day. Ever.

Everything about Spring Break made me so excited for summer, it better come quick!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Excuse me,

for being lazy. I am sinking into ultimate relaxation mode. I have shopped until I cannot shop anymore (ok not true, it's my ultimate love), Driven to Austin and eaten myself into the best food coma for 3 straight days (best one anyone can ever experience), Flown to Odessa where I have now been residing since wednesday and have fallen in love with waking up to baby girl's big eyes and my nephews sweet hugs. Not to mention, I have had time to catch up on movies with sister and actually go to the theater, which btw I haven't been to in forever. Can you see why I am so lazy, spoiled with love? Can you blame me? I am sure you would be the same. I am so scared for sunday to come knowing I will be studying and doing homework most of the night. oops. I mean I have 2 days until then, but I really need some time with the boyfran. We are going shopping for grown up work clothes, yay! Love a boy in a pair of khakis with a nice shirt tucked in, mixed with a watch on the wrist, and a briefcase! So stinking handsome. Maybe we will go swimming in his families new pool, or watch movies, and we will for sure be feasting! Last food coma before I head back into dining halls. Lots of love. Happy weekend to all!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I seem to be in a bit of rut, not sure what it is but a cup of coffee, and some pictures of everything I love has become the cure. So I thought I would share for all those out there in a tuesday morning rut.


Source: weheartit.com

Monday, March 14, 2011

Keep Austin Weird

Oh my goodness, What a weekend!

I feel exhausted, and of course went downstairs hoping for a pot full of coffee, but catch the word hoping and know that there was not an ounce of coffee in the pot, and no breakfast to be found. Looks like my dad got used to me and my mom being gone.


I spent the weekend in Austin with my sister, and I have so many pictures for yall, However she took them on her camera  so we shall see when I get to put them up. It was spent walking around, shopping, drooling at over-priced clothes, and eating at independent restaurants (deliciousness!) Sounds like a perfect weekend to me, despite all the weirdys in Austin, which actually make for a good laugh.

Today I am off to have lunch with a friend, and coffee with another! Hopefully the weather will be beautiful, and it won't feel too much like a monday.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Well I am headed to Austin this morning to eat at a bunch of wonderful independent restaurants, sew with sister and mom, and shop of course!!

Should be pretty wonderful. I love Austin and all of it's artistic weird aspect.

Have a good spring break!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday love & Instagramania.

I wish every thursday was like today. It was pure bliss and looked like this:

Boyfriend took me to the mall and read my mind.
He said "lets get strawberries".
They give you a bag full of about 3 or 4 strawberries
and it costs $9.

but he loves me and made my day perfect.
because what girl doesn't appreciate chocolate shared with her boy?
The cutest brother and sister. ever. 
The tiniest, most adorable juice cup. 

Perfection in a picture. (before she pulled her bow out, and hair got curly) 

Baby Bathtime, which btw she lovessss water and wanted to jump in the pool today!
Crazy baby!

Beautiful. Beautiful. Day.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I get by

with a little help from my friends.

To say the least.

They actually make my days so perfect.

Two of my favorite girls came to Denton today and we went and ate some yummy mexican food and got chocolate crepes for dessert! Conversation with them never gets old, and it always gives me that settling feeling that I have such true friendships in my life and reminds me of how important it is to hold onto those.


Monday, March 7, 2011

I think I am head over heels, absolutely in love with this little girl.

Pure joy is exactly what she brings. 

Some people want it all, but I want nothing at all.

I know I have only been in college for a semester and a half, but so much of me has changed from high school and it is crazy to think. When people tell you that you will change, you don't believe them. When people tell you that college is different from high school in so many ways, you don't believe them. Then you get to college, and you see yourself changing in the smallest of aspects every single day, and then you realize it is because life is different and then you finally believe them and wish you would have listened. For instance, in high school I was this girl who ran from place to place without a care in her mind, not even a worry of what place she is running to next. I would just run to run and when it came time to slow down, I wouldn't. I would make sure I had something to do that kept me busy but yet I did not really plan for that. Then I came to college and I have seemed to transformed into hating being busy all day, I like to have that time in the day where I can sit without a worry in the world and breathe. Just do nothing, absolutely nothing on the schedule. I take that time to think, drink my cup of coffee, and love life for exactly what it is. If it even looks like I can't have that time, I get stressed because I know I need it. I also was never organized, never planned, and never scheduled. Now I am writing down exactly what is due and when to start doing it, not only that but I have scheduled out my days. To be honest, I do not even look at the schedule until either half way through the day or before I go to sleep and I cross off all the stuff that was done. It is just to nice to know what time slots I have of freedom and how long things will take. Obviously, things always come up that are unplanned but at least their is space to squeeze that in and still breathe. Another thing that has changed was how I disliked being home all day, now I still have trouble with that but I love being home. I love taking in the smell of coffee and candles, and being surrounded by people who mean the world to me. I was so ready to leave and go to college, and now I find myself dreaming of driving home. Days like today where it is sunny with a tint of gloom, and Adel's song chasing pavement is running through my mind, I find myself thankful I can sit and cherish the little moments of nothingness in life because it is good for me and important to have in my day. Yes you can laugh and think that I am too high strung because my schedule isn't that busy at all compared to those with no time slots for anything, but my job is school. So school is what I will spend my time doing even if that means giving up watching that show thats on even if it may not kill me to go watch it. Of course, later I will watch it when I am done with that exam or done with all the homework thats due, but until then I take my free time and I use it to de-stress and rid of the anxiety that so easily builds up and you know what, that's ok.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weekend Daydreams

Today I am running along a beach, basking in the sun (getting tan, NOT!), eating chips and salsa, and then later will be heading back to the hotel to dress up and go out for the evening..

in my dreams of course.

I instead have not yet changed into real clothes today, been up since 8am, did homework until about 12, and 3 cups of coffee has yet to get me off my bed. Maybe it's the fact my room is freezing cold or the fact time is going by unbelievable slow, yet so fast. Either way, my saturday has been nothing but a bore, and I can't help but daydream about wonderful things like swimsuits, hot summer nights, snow cones, cute summer clothes, and a new baby that will be here in may!

mmmmmm. If only.

Wishing everyone else the best of daydreams today, and don't fret because spring break is near!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Behind on the blog

School is really catching up to me this week, and my blog has been a little on the back burner unfortunately. It is really a shame considering blogging is really my escape from the craziness of life. However, today I was lucky enough to get out of class 20 minutes early and let me tell you that it made for the perfect little time slot to sit and blog. First it is friday, second it is breezy,springy, and beautiful, yet a teensy bit overcast, and third I am done with the classes for the day. I am not too excited about the weekend seeing that I will be spending all day today at review sessions for my tests next week, and then the rest of the weekend studying and doing homework. On the bright side, it's ok that I don't have much of a weekend because Spring Break is starting for me wednesday night (which means 3 full days of school). You better believe after those 3 days, I will be sinking into lazy, relaxing, weekend mode permanently(not really, but at least a week and a half). I am so excited to get to drive out to Austin with my mom and shop and spend time with my sister, then I will be hopping on a plane to fly out to the little town of Odessa only to enjoy my babies and some serious venting sessions with my oldest sister. It will be the best and I am so ready to get away. Spring is finally here and I know I keep saying that but spring means it is that much closer to summer. Hope everyone has a great weekend! 


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring, Spring!

So even though I spent this afternoon sleeping for about 2 hours, I still am so excited it's Spring. Today is especially pretty and I am so excited for all the spring clothes popping up on all my favorite clothing websites. Thought I would share a few of my favorites of all the spring fashion inspiration!

Ivory bracelets from Forever 21 

Sandals!! Especially these pretty leather with turquoise- Forever 21 

Cute Tshirts and Jean shorts-Forever 21 

Bare skin, even better, bare back. 

All the floral coming back in, I want this headband from forever!! 

Polka dots, modcloth.com, I love everything about this shirt. 

Back to the bare back, the dress on the left isn't realeased yet but I am dying for it. 

Perfect over a bathing suit? Yes please.
