Friday, July 9, 2010

Look of Love.

"Get, Get up and go, Dress up the sun, borrow a little bit of lovely, take it all in, take my hand, it makes me feel so beautiful outside in..Look of love, love, love."

So i know my subscribers are my sisters and i also know that y'all will probably read this and say things to yourself (well i think anyways) but oh well.

What i do know is that i have been dating this boy for 9 months as of july 30th. Also as of this sunday, July 11, i have a month left with him before he will be in a small town known as sioux center, Iowa, living out his dream. He seems rather worried and afraid that the atmosphere is going to change his perspective and challenge his love for football. However, i couldn't be more proud that he is so ambitious and goes after what he sets his goals for. For example, i remember when we first started talking and he had set a goal to lift, bench, i don't really know, but something over 300 pounds and after pushing for it every day for a while that it is. I finally got a phone call ( and at this point we were not talking anymore) that he had reached his goal. He has this perseverance that i envy. I cant imagine him not being here. It sounds unhealthy but trust me its's not because i don't see him everyday anyways. It is just the matter of the fact that i will not have the option to just call him and go somewhere, i will not have him driving my keys to me 10 minutes before i have to be at work (which btw i was frantically running around looking for and had not even spoken to him) and he was already on his way! I also don't have the option of calling him and explaining what i am craving and he says well then get ready lets go! haha.
I am just really gonna miss laughing with him. Thats our favorite things to do, ive concluded. Usually there is not even a reason why where laughing. I am going to miss shopping with him or just telling him everything i bought :]. I am going to miss screaming music at the top of our lungs together. I am going to miss being lazy ( actually this is probably a good thing!) I will just miss him.

enough enough enough. long post! so sorry!

♥ loveeee

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