Friday, July 16, 2010

A little introduction

It absolutely amazes me how unique and different God creates a family and people as individuals. I feel i should introduce you to the fact that i grew up in a house with 3 older sisters, and one younger brother. With me being the youngest girl, i have had the privilege of being an observer of how they grew up and the option to vent and ask questions because they had been there and done that. However, as we have all been growing
up lately faster each day i've made some rather eye opening observations. We are all so completely different. From the way we are built all the way to the people we surround us with and the way we communicate. I am just introducing my sisters for now. :]
First i will start with the oldest, who i consider my twin, to introduce. Kortni Lowe. She is a gorgeous blonde and is the most least judgmental person i know. Which i admire. She has a free spirit in life and could care less who had a thing to say about it. She is so brave and has a strong yet loving heart. Everything she has ever gone through her has built her to minister to others in a way she doesn't even know and to simply be able to understand.
Then there is Whittney Niche. She is a stunning brunette or blonde, she goes e
ither way. She is the type of person to set a goal, reach it, and set it higher. Due to that she has accomplished what i wish i could. She has this laugh, ha, and it spreads through a whole room only causing more laughter which i love. She is fun-loving, successful, and has a great sense of style.
Last but not least, sister kelsey. She is also a brunette but i hav
e to say she is one of those all around natural, no makeup, no fixing hair, just beautiful people. Which i envy. It is like her huge sweet heart needs to explode and does so by beauty. She cares for everything and every person in the world, from the dead dog on the road to the bus boy at a restaurant. Every other person's need is her concern. Very rare people can constantly put others needs before your own and when you can, you are simply a special person. Well she's this person. She is not afraid to be different. and p.s. the funniest person i know!

We happen to be all so different. We view the world in our ways from our own eyes. Even though this may be true. I feel lucky enough to be the youngest sister of all three only because i get to learn from their mistakes, receive different wisdom from each of them, and pick up any pieces they left behind and add them to myself. This allowing me to have a little bit of each of them incorporated in my personality. My dad has always told me although im the youngest i am so strong and i know he would not being say that if it was not for all of their help and wise words. They are all wonderful and i know we are known for being chaos when all in the same room. But the chaos of sister love is what i live for.

♥ loveee.

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