Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Band-aids & Broken hearts

"Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts? Just a cage of rib bones and other various parts?"

Its all a learning experience.
Have you ever noticed that the pain we go through only makes us stronger. I believe this is why God challenges us with difficulties. Whether its to bring us back to him or just learn our lesson and cling to what is good. Sometimes a broken heart does someone's character good. Maybe they needed to remember who they were separate from the other person. Maybe they need to learn to guard their heart more careful. Or maybe they needed to be taken out of the situation and because they would not listen and they are now realizing the lesson the hard way. This all occurred to me today while watching a ton of kids at work just run around like crazies. They seem like their having a blast and within a split second and a look away i turn back to 3 or 4 kids crying. One may have tripped over their own feet, one just feeling weary from running, and one who i just told to not stand on things, fell down. You watch them sit for maybe 5 minutes at the most staring at the scratch or bruise that may be seeping onto their skin but for now occurring as a painful red splotch. You let them sulk and tell them it's going to be alright and then they are back on their feet running again in less than 2 minutes. It just creates the perfect analogy to explain how struggles only build you. I can honestly say that without a doubt in mind that heartbreak happens to be one of the worst pains you can experience ( or from what i know and have experienced in my short lifetime). Anyways, i also know that i don't regret a day of what i got myself into. I know i made some wrong choices and stuck to someone i should not have but it grew me in ways i could never imagine. It made me stronger than most people know. It helped me see that i was being walked all over and not just by one person but by others in my life as well. It taught me how to stand up for myself, and also how to be there for someone who simply needs you to be there. It stretched me in ways i almost wish i was not stretched but then i come to realization that it opened up my naiveness to people in this world. It brought me to a place of peace. Despite the fact it literally tore my heart into pieces and caused many tears. It built my heart back together and it is stronger than ever. It allowed my tears to be tough and meaningful. It pushed me to pick myself up, put a smile on my face, and move on and not let anyone or anything stop my shine or bring me down. Don't look at the bad, just remember the good, and thank God for the experience you had. So although it may be true that skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart always remember that your only building yourself and your only becoming stronger with every move.

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