Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thick as Thieves.

We have been here so many times before. You in my place or me in yours. Torn to pieces, laying on the floor, crying with no limits. Only because we think were brave enough to let someone in, just one more time. We think to ourselves "this is it" or "i know he is the one". Thinking this only opens up so many doors for the future in a girls mind. We are just teasing and torturing ourselves when we allow our mind to wander to this point. Obviously, if your dating someone marriage should be a question, because you don't want to date someone that you cant see yourself marrying. However, this thought dangles in front of us and opens a gate to us. We become so vulnerable, we forget one key thing that we were reminded c onstantly as we grow up, To guard your heart. How could we forget this? Oh yeah, we were "in love" and it is oh so blinding. We choose every excuse in the book to not accept reality. Let me tell you something though, reality hits, and when it does it hits you hard. HInts the reason we end up with our heads in our best friends laps as tears stream down on our face as we try to catch a breath of what is reality. We want to cry for each other only because we know how bad it really hurts. Also "its all gonna be ok" seems like the last thing we thing we wanna hear, it almost makes you want to scream liar at the person. But, deep down inside we all know this is the only truth we have to feed into each other's ears, a little slice of hope. Everyone learns lessons in their own ways, however we tend to choose the difficult path in which we lose a little piece of ourselves on the way. We never regret it, we just pick up the pieces and move on. It is easier said than done. What really happens is we spend days in tears and devastation as we try to find the bright side. We try to see that it is for a good reason (which it is). It is all apart of the plan. We bury ourselves in good music, reality tv, pints of ice cream, and girly magazines. Then one day we wake up, grab the hand of our best friend and walk together. We help each other to see the light and it all clicks. We wake up from our fairytale that turned into a nightmare. We step into reality and we grasp it hand in hand.
Because best friends get what they deserve and you deserve me by your side in every stride.

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