Saturday, September 18, 2010

Heres to Abby.

Happy birthday beautiful. Today is the one and only's, Abby Truett Donaldson's Birthday. She is so far away, and i feel i need to do something for her. Distance wont be a killer on this birthday present. Anyways, this post is dedicated all to her (she will see this one, because she is one of the few readers i have). You should all i know that i love her will all my heart, and its grown so much more just in the past week. I appreciate the fact that she is always honest with me. Abby is not one to tell you something just because you want to hear it. She is truthful, even when it may hurt but she knows you need to hear it. This all because of the way she cares and its something i really admire her for. She radiates with light. It's like she walks into a room with a smile on here face and something to say that will make everyone laugh (on a good day of course :]) However, i think most days are a good day because she was always making me smile. She's a great listener and i love talking to her. I hope your birthday is wonderful abby, i love you so much and cant wait to see you!
oh and p.s. if you didnt notice, she is absolutely gorgeous!

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