Friday, September 3, 2010

His grace covers me.

Today as i was reading my daily morning devotion, it talked about something that just had never occurred to me. It is amazing what God can teach you everyday. As i am going to a non-christian college, i realize that i have no excuse not to be a light for i am surrounded by people who need God so desperately. This is a challenge from God. I have never had trouble expressing my beliefs in him but it is a whole another world here. It is testing my faith greatly, but God reminds me everyday of how he is the one of who i am to follow and he will carry me through any situation. It is a challenge I've never had to face in my life. My reading from oswald chamber's book, "My utmost for his highest" was just eye-opening. I have never realized as christians that we get blessed so often yet so many times we suck it up for ourselves. Where if we just took Gods blessing and poured a little of it into each life around us today then we would be touching so many lives and being a huge light that we may not even realize. It is an easy opening to share christ yet we live out of the flesh and forget so easily. People not of God dont understand blessings, they may see it as getting lucky or having a good day. However, i know i see it as God reminding me of his love but now not only that but to share it. Why would i hide something i received with such great power behind it? My challenge this week is to pour out Gods blessing into those around me so that they may see his glory and grace.

♥ loveee.

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