Monday, May 9, 2011


I can smell summer, yes I can.

My weekend was exactly what I needed before finals, and I understand most would be buried in books but not me. I went home thursday morning after my dad came up to help me move out of denton. We drove to Justin, TX and ate a little place called moms cafe. Then from there we took a long country road all the way home, which was longer than usual but just what I needed to clear up my thoughts. The past week wasn't easy but I couldn't have asked for a better weekend, I think it was the time everyone needed in my family to just regather.

It was filled with laughter, baby baths, swimming, walking around at a festival trying good fried food and engaging in activities that allow you to feel like a kid again.
Time with my family has been more present and valued than ever before lately. I think I used to live there 24/7 and began to take it for granted, but now I am excited to be home for summer and just get to know the feeling of contentment.

To say the least, life is good, God is good, and summer will be the best year.

I can tell.

Lots of Lovin. 

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