Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It's already been a week since I last updated, oops. 
Sorry life's been a blur! I'll do better soon. I promise! 

Sometimes in life you can't prepare for things, no matter how hard you try. I know for myself, I make lists. Lists that say times I am going to do things, or everything that HAS to be done for the day, then I make maybe lists that have things I want to get done but are not completely necessary, and then of course the post-it that has all the fun things I actually want to do but can only do if there is time for, but sometimes you plan a whole week in your head and expect productiveness and a lot of lines drawn through your tasks on the to do list. It never ever works out how you plan though. It always gets a little messed up, whether you did something too early, missed it completely, or just practiced procrastinating at it's finest degree, or maybe you just couldn't prepare for the curveball that got thrown into the mix. That was my week spot on. It was a relaxing and calm weekend filled with family time and baby loving, until sunday came. We got up and went to church, and were all ready to head home for lunch when we received a call saying my uncle had passed away. Needless to say, school has been the last of my focuses since sunday afternoon at noon and there has not been one day this week where I haven't been home even if it was just for an hour or so. Death is never an easy or fun process to deal with, so expect some blogging about it the next couple days. I had two tests this week, one paper/project, and another paper all due pretty much by today (the day of the funeral). I am thankful God gave me the motivation last week to get both papers done because he knew I would not have been able to handle it today, and also thankful for a professor who let me take my test whenever I pleased. I have 8 days left, and cannot wait. I took one test this evening, and have one tomorrow afternoon. It was a blessing that one of my professors rewarded any one currently with an A in his class by spontaneously exempting us from the final, so I now only have two finals next week and a dorm to intensely clean! I'll try and be better about blogging.

P.S.- wanted to share something that was shared from my uncles memorial service
"God grant that I may live to fish until my dying day, And when it comes to lay my cast, I then most humbly pray That in the Lord's safe landing net, I am peacefully asleep And that in his mercy I be judged As big enough to keep"

Always loved you Uncle Bill, Always will.

Lots of Love.

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