Saturday, July 31, 2010


I feel a little introduction to my niece is due. She is way way too cute not to share, although im actually not a big sharer when she is around. I tend to hog her and i am trying to get her to say my name. Her name is kaitlyn marie, we share the same middle name. Being the youngest sister of 4 girls, i feel she is my little sister i never got like the rest of the girls in my family. I love her so much it is unbelievable. However, she has her days where she is fussy and not much fun. Luckily i am her mothers mini me, so i think this helps a bit ;]. Not really, but she is a dollface. I am so excited for the days when she is 15 or 16 and calls and says get me out of my house my parents are so annoying. I can just go pick her up and have a blast. She is the most beautiful baby and was perfect from the day she was born. I mean what blonde, blue eyed, and olive skin girl isn't beautiful. Here is my rant on my baby love. I know i am a bit biased but you have to agree, Cutest baby ever? yes i think so.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Refreshing Moments.

You know how people always say " i never want to leave this place, or i would kill anything to do that again". Well i will honestly say to you that i would do anything to trade this night and re-live that moment. It was something i did not want to walk away from. ever. It was a breezy cool summer night here in texas tonight. The sky faded into this dark grey and all i wanted to do was sit in it and take every second of it in. It was so beautiful outside tonight. It was a normal date night for me and Theron, we just picked a place to eat and we tend to hang out a while there after we receive the check. Anyways on deciding what to do after i suggested to sit in a park. So we parked are car on the side of the road and sat on this huge hill overlooking a park. It was so serene and everything just seemed at perfect peace with all of its surroundings. I was praying for rain as hard as a 13 year old may when they want their first kiss to happen in the rain. Then it happened, it trickled and i did not run but rather just enjoyed. Tonight was such a beautiful rain. I wish i would have captured it all on video so i could watch it over and over again. It picked up rather quickly but never got terribly too much rain. It was the perfect summer night. I love moments like that. Moments that i would never take back and moments i will never forget.

Friday, July 16, 2010

A little introduction

It absolutely amazes me how unique and different God creates a family and people as individuals. I feel i should introduce you to the fact that i grew up in a house with 3 older sisters, and one younger brother. With me being the youngest girl, i have had the privilege of being an observer of how they grew up and the option to vent and ask questions because they had been there and done that. However, as we have all been growing
up lately faster each day i've made some rather eye opening observations. We are all so completely different. From the way we are built all the way to the people we surround us with and the way we communicate. I am just introducing my sisters for now. :]
First i will start with the oldest, who i consider my twin, to introduce. Kortni Lowe. She is a gorgeous blonde and is the most least judgmental person i know. Which i admire. She has a free spirit in life and could care less who had a thing to say about it. She is so brave and has a strong yet loving heart. Everything she has ever gone through her has built her to minister to others in a way she doesn't even know and to simply be able to understand.
Then there is Whittney Niche. She is a stunning brunette or blonde, she goes e
ither way. She is the type of person to set a goal, reach it, and set it higher. Due to that she has accomplished what i wish i could. She has this laugh, ha, and it spreads through a whole room only causing more laughter which i love. She is fun-loving, successful, and has a great sense of style.
Last but not least, sister kelsey. She is also a brunette but i hav
e to say she is one of those all around natural, no makeup, no fixing hair, just beautiful people. Which i envy. It is like her huge sweet heart needs to explode and does so by beauty. She cares for everything and every person in the world, from the dead dog on the road to the bus boy at a restaurant. Every other person's need is her concern. Very rare people can constantly put others needs before your own and when you can, you are simply a special person. Well she's this person. She is not afraid to be different. and p.s. the funniest person i know!

We happen to be all so different. We view the world in our ways from our own eyes. Even though this may be true. I feel lucky enough to be the youngest sister of all three only because i get to learn from their mistakes, receive different wisdom from each of them, and pick up any pieces they left behind and add them to myself. This allowing me to have a little bit of each of them incorporated in my personality. My dad has always told me although im the youngest i am so strong and i know he would not being say that if it was not for all of their help and wise words. They are all wonderful and i know we are known for being chaos when all in the same room. But the chaos of sister love is what i live for.

♥ loveee.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Good Finds.

Today i went on a little drive up to the store, sam moon with my oldest sister. It was about 30-40 minutes away but completely worth the trip. Right now i seem to have some obsession with clutches. They are just so adorable and look so cute with outfits. Anyways, i found some amazing little finds. I got a big green bow to show my mean green pride at school next year, a cute zipper head band, and this pretty bracelet ive been wanting for a long time. The thing about sam moon is the amazing prices. Everything is just so cheap and its a plus when you find cute stuff. My best find today was this black fake leather clutch covered in gold studs ( which i read is very in, example ) Read the article about trend report. As well as the edgy clutch, i found a gorgeous red flower head band! It will dress up outfits perfectly.
You can see the flower a bit, and here is my good find!
So not only did we go to sam moon, we made a few pit stops and i found one other amazing thing at bed bath and beyond. I can now check something else off on my "to buy before college check list". I found a very cheap, plastic, eco friendly, and adorable coffee mug. It is perfect for school and dishwasher safe. Which by the way is a must in my house because otherwise your dishes will get ruined. Plus it is pink!
Good finds made for a great day off of work, but back to reality tomorrow. I am always up for a shopping trip thats for sure.

♥ loveeee

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Band-aids & Broken hearts

"Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts? Just a cage of rib bones and other various parts?"

Its all a learning experience.
Have you ever noticed that the pain we go through only makes us stronger. I believe this is why God challenges us with difficulties. Whether its to bring us back to him or just learn our lesson and cling to what is good. Sometimes a broken heart does someone's character good. Maybe they needed to remember who they were separate from the other person. Maybe they need to learn to guard their heart more careful. Or maybe they needed to be taken out of the situation and because they would not listen and they are now realizing the lesson the hard way. This all occurred to me today while watching a ton of kids at work just run around like crazies. They seem like their having a blast and within a split second and a look away i turn back to 3 or 4 kids crying. One may have tripped over their own feet, one just feeling weary from running, and one who i just told to not stand on things, fell down. You watch them sit for maybe 5 minutes at the most staring at the scratch or bruise that may be seeping onto their skin but for now occurring as a painful red splotch. You let them sulk and tell them it's going to be alright and then they are back on their feet running again in less than 2 minutes. It just creates the perfect analogy to explain how struggles only build you. I can honestly say that without a doubt in mind that heartbreak happens to be one of the worst pains you can experience ( or from what i know and have experienced in my short lifetime). Anyways, i also know that i don't regret a day of what i got myself into. I know i made some wrong choices and stuck to someone i should not have but it grew me in ways i could never imagine. It made me stronger than most people know. It helped me see that i was being walked all over and not just by one person but by others in my life as well. It taught me how to stand up for myself, and also how to be there for someone who simply needs you to be there. It stretched me in ways i almost wish i was not stretched but then i come to realization that it opened up my naiveness to people in this world. It brought me to a place of peace. Despite the fact it literally tore my heart into pieces and caused many tears. It built my heart back together and it is stronger than ever. It allowed my tears to be tough and meaningful. It pushed me to pick myself up, put a smile on my face, and move on and not let anyone or anything stop my shine or bring me down. Don't look at the bad, just remember the good, and thank God for the experience you had. So although it may be true that skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart always remember that your only building yourself and your only becoming stronger with every move.

Monday, July 12, 2010

mixed directions.

Have you ever felt invincible, on top of the world? This is the feeling i keep having this summer. It is like i am finally moving on and running into change full force. I am running for the take off. Which is exactly what makes the feeling rather difficult. I cant seem to reach the point yet, i know i am not strong enough nor prepared for this world im about to enter. However, i am running to the place where i will take off into that world. It is not coming fast enough. I am doing everything i can to get there as well as everything i can do to enjoy every waking moment in this position i am now, the comfortable position. The place where everything is familiar and well-known. I want something new so bad, something with a little more risk, and something a little more outgoing. Same old me of course just with tweaks. I realize this probably will not happen but its a hope. I have so many plans before i get there yet i cannot seem to place them all in the amount of time available. However, my heart seems to be contradicting my mind and just pushing and pushing for the finalization of a new place, new people, and a new place i suppose ill call my 2nd home. Hmm. I just pray God holds my hand and makes the path easier for me because honestly i have no clue which way to go or what i am doing which usually would scare me to death. Although, this time it just puts this sense of wonder in my eyes and lights up my passion for life. For now, here i am and i am hitting the ground running.

picture taken from

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shoe Love. ♥

I am having an addiction to shoes at the moment. Maybe its the fact that my mom has the most beautiful taste in a pair of high heels. Which by the way makes me so glad i live at home and am the same shoe size. Or maybe its the fact that a pair of shoes can add so much confidence to a person if they wear them right. Anyways, here is an update of my shoe wish list!
I love this blue on a pair of heels. Plus, it reminds me of the shoes above from satc! Those blue shoes are so beautiful. They just look wonderful, and give so much pop to an outfit.

These are a lot of shoe with the buckle. However, They are the most adorable mary jane heels i have ever seen. They will dress up an outfit and look so cute with jeans!

A break from heels, I love these athletic shoes! These nikes are so cute and comfortable. They will look great with nikes and denim. They have them in a blue and grey and im dying for them.
These are absolutely precious as well and i will have them! Even though it is summertime and i am seem to have some kind of obsession with the whole suede look right now. I would wear these with everything. Bows are my thing and that just adds to the shoe.

Again with suede, i know i know, but they are just so so cute. I cannot resist!

Thats it for now. Shoes are just so wonderful. But to make this post better, I am adding a few of the greatest shoe quotes.
Maggie Feller: Shoes like these should not be locked in a closet! They should be living a life of scandal, and pasion and getting screwed in an alleyway by a billionaire while his frigid wife waits in the limo thinking that he just went back into the bar to get his cellphone. These are cute too.
Rose Feller: Please tell me you just made that up.
Maggie Feller: Look, if you're not going to wear them... don't buy them! Leave them for someone who's going to get something out of them.
Rose Feller: I get something out of them! When I feel bad I like to treat myself. Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit.
-In her shoes

“It's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes -- that's why you sometimes need really special shoes!”
-sex and the city.

♥ loveeeee.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Look of Love.

"Get, Get up and go, Dress up the sun, borrow a little bit of lovely, take it all in, take my hand, it makes me feel so beautiful outside in..Look of love, love, love."

So i know my subscribers are my sisters and i also know that y'all will probably read this and say things to yourself (well i think anyways) but oh well.

What i do know is that i have been dating this boy for 9 months as of july 30th. Also as of this sunday, July 11, i have a month left with him before he will be in a small town known as sioux center, Iowa, living out his dream. He seems rather worried and afraid that the atmosphere is going to change his perspective and challenge his love for football. However, i couldn't be more proud that he is so ambitious and goes after what he sets his goals for. For example, i remember when we first started talking and he had set a goal to lift, bench, i don't really know, but something over 300 pounds and after pushing for it every day for a while that it is. I finally got a phone call ( and at this point we were not talking anymore) that he had reached his goal. He has this perseverance that i envy. I cant imagine him not being here. It sounds unhealthy but trust me its's not because i don't see him everyday anyways. It is just the matter of the fact that i will not have the option to just call him and go somewhere, i will not have him driving my keys to me 10 minutes before i have to be at work (which btw i was frantically running around looking for and had not even spoken to him) and he was already on his way! I also don't have the option of calling him and explaining what i am craving and he says well then get ready lets go! haha.
I am just really gonna miss laughing with him. Thats our favorite things to do, ive concluded. Usually there is not even a reason why where laughing. I am going to miss shopping with him or just telling him everything i bought :]. I am going to miss screaming music at the top of our lungs together. I am going to miss being lazy ( actually this is probably a good thing!) I will just miss him.

enough enough enough. long post! so sorry!

♥ loveeee