Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Birthday wishes.

My birthday is about a week away, I am not doing anything big but just want a small group with my closest friends surrounding me at a nice, fun dinner. It's funny how you want everyone you know there one year and the next you only want 4 or 5 people there. I guess you realize whats important in life and who you really want around you for special events, this year I want the people that mean the most to me even if that means only a few. I would much rather have everyone there I loved than a whole bunch of people who really don't care much about me. Anyways, to the point… I want a birthday dress! I want it to say hey "I'm turning 19, and this is my last year as a teenager" and of course I want it to make me look my best. I've been looking a lot on modcloth just for some inspiration but I am definitely gonna end up buying something in store. Here's a little of what I'm thinking:

Loving the dresses with back appeal! 

What do you think?


Monday, May 23, 2011

Glitter & Glue

is not a good mixture, when you add in children under the age of 10.


I wish I had taken a picture today at work of the mess I found myself in after 21 kids rushed through to make a craft and decided they would empty glitter bottles all over their heavily glued craft. The table was covered in glitter and soaked in glue, and the floor looked like new years eve as the sequins covered the floor. It wasn't exciting like new years eve though, it was more "I don't know how I am going to clean up all of this by myself". Needless to say I learned my lesson real quickly and will now be much more prepared for next time.

Been moving a little slow the past few days but hoping I can find some motivation somewhere.

Lots of Loveee.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Warning: Baby Overload.

Oh oops. Too many pictures, but I couldn't resist, I'm a proud aunt. 

This is Madison Rose, well actually boyfriend says she is "Baby" Madison Rose, not just Madison Rose. 
So therefore this is Baby Madison Rose, my new niece. I know your thinking great more pictures of baby loving, but I can't get enough. ever. They are precious, only this time I promise to not rush you Baby Madison Rose growing up because I want you to stay small and fit into my arms for a very long time, and not speak a word but just take the world in. Excited for this baby to be living in our house for a  month or so, and nervous as well. It will definitely allow for some very special bonding time. 

Lots of Love.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"I don't get many things

right the first time, in fact I am told that a lot. Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls brought me here and I know that I am, 
I am the luckiest. "

Well I can say it has felt like summer now and I have been going non-stop. I wake up feeling like I have all day then 4 or 5pm hits and I realize that I have plan on top of plan for the evening. This is actually the first night in a few days I was home before 11 o clock and will hopefully be falling asleep before one in the morning, but hey I guess that is what summer is about. I realized this is really my last summer as a "teenager". I'll be 19 in like 2 weeks and next summer I will be turning 20 and probably be maybe starting a real job that may help me later in my career. However, for now I was thinking about how lucky I am. I went back to work today which is at a daycare close to my house. The kids were crazy considering summer is so close for them and I just kept trying to tell them I knew the feeling but had to calm down. It is fun to watch kids play and get to interact but there is always a fine line between getting to hang out with them and having to be the tough guy who has to say "No" and "Your going to have to sit out at recess" or sometimes even "Your never going to snack-time if you keep the talking up".  Oh to be that young again, I only wish that getting to be able to go to snack-time was still my main concern. Anyways, I get to wake up and be with kids all day which is a blessing. I also am going to have all my family in one place this weekend plus some! I cannot remember the last time everyone was actually living at home for more than one night, it should be entertaining. Oldest sister is adding a new addition to the family tomorrow morning, which means new niece! I have been heavily distracted but tonight I am feeling the excitement for little baby Madison Rose to arrive! I am thankful to be home and especially thankful for nights like tonight where some of the family and boyfriend gather around the table and enjoy a homecooked meal then proceed to run out and get late night fro yo with no regrets. Summer nights are the best and you better believe they are my favorite when everyone I love is around. 

Lots of Loveee.

Get ready for baby lovin overload. 

Monday, May 16, 2011


Some days start off slow, good, and full of bliss but then they slowly spiral into rushed errands, indecision and pure chaos. By the time 5 'o'clock rolls around, I am ready to crawl into bed, pull the cover over my head, and say see ya tomorrow, but instead life goes on.

I started running the other day with my boy and the first day it was really a struggle. I didn't necessarily need to start running but wanted to be a runner, so I had to start with day one as everyone else does too. I got outside and complained, breathed too quickly, and said the words "I can't" repeatedly too myself. It was not fun. The next day I told myself I could do it, and I did. I ran. Then today I got outside and I closed my eyes and listened as boyfriend talked about his life and anxieties, and my feet pounded against the pavement. The slight breeze swayed my ponytail to and fro, and even when I was tired I breathed in through my nose, and out through my mouth, and I didn't let my feet stop. We got to this point which boyfriend refers to as "bringing it home. It's the spot where you can see the finish, but you still have quite the way to go. So when you get to the point, you run. You run as fast as your legs can go, which by this point it seems like your legs are melting and you really can't go much faster, but you can. So you stride it out, with each step you pretend your legs can depart from the ground, and you lung a little bit further. Boyfriend is really good at this, but as he stands at the finish line, all I can think about is getting to stop too, but I still have the quite distance. I keep my legs moving and with each inch I get closer, and closer, and closer until I am there. I made it I tell myself. I did it and tomorrow I will do better.

Life is like this sometimes. You are so close to finishing, but feel so far from the solution but when you get there it's good. Pure goodness. You feel accomplished, but exhausted. Strong, but weak, like you could keep going, but all you can do is lay there. These past few days have seemed to be spirals of life circling one after the other, dreaming of the day it ends, but I know God has a plan. Tonight I had dinner with a friends family outside on the deck. I was quiet but so relaxed and sometimes thats all you really need at the end of a long run.

Cheers to mondays.


Well, I made it.

It is officially summertime and has been for the past 4 days.

I still have one more basket to unpack and organize into the room before I am completely moved back in, but for the most part I am done. I also have not yet eaten a meal at home since I've been here (which btw was thursday). I always say summertime is when I eat the most because everyone is always doing nothing so they suggest getting lunch…well I have eaten out just about every meal since Thursday afternoon. No bueno, but hey I started running so maybe it will balance out this summer? eh we will see.

I will now promise to be a good blogger…well do my best.

This week I am:
-starting work back up again
-welcoming a new little niece into the world
-also welcoming all my sisters to back under one roof…..been a long time.
-and finding some good summer time enjoyment with best friends and boyfriend.

Good week up ahead!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Oh and I almost forgot

Yesterday was mothers day!! How could I forget to blog about it?

All you really need to know is that my mom is super mom and absolutely amazing, but I am gonna tell you more than that. My mom happens to be the best mom on the block, don't try and argue. She is willing to stop the world to help her children. I value my time with her more than anything. It never fails to feel special and be fun. She is strong, brave, and successful. I admire her giving serving attitude,  and her heart that is constantly seeking God. She has the best advice because her wise words are straight from the Lord. Not only is she real with people, but she has an amazing sense of humor and laughing with her is one of my favorite things to do with my mom. I cherish every moment of home due to her kindness and thoughtfulness that she expresses, and appreciate that she is supportive continuously in life. She herself is a daughter, wife, friend, teacher, mimi, and still finds time to be an excellent mother, but she is more than that to me. She is my rock, hero, role model, friend, teacher, and most of all mom.  She pours love into me daily and I am so blessed to have her as my mother.

So even though mothers day was yesterday, Happy Mothers Day to my beautiful mother! 


I can smell summer, yes I can.

My weekend was exactly what I needed before finals, and I understand most would be buried in books but not me. I went home thursday morning after my dad came up to help me move out of denton. We drove to Justin, TX and ate a little place called moms cafe. Then from there we took a long country road all the way home, which was longer than usual but just what I needed to clear up my thoughts. The past week wasn't easy but I couldn't have asked for a better weekend, I think it was the time everyone needed in my family to just regather.

It was filled with laughter, baby baths, swimming, walking around at a festival trying good fried food and engaging in activities that allow you to feel like a kid again.
Time with my family has been more present and valued than ever before lately. I think I used to live there 24/7 and began to take it for granted, but now I am excited to be home for summer and just get to know the feeling of contentment.

To say the least, life is good, God is good, and summer will be the best year.

I can tell.

Lots of Lovin. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It's already been a week since I last updated, oops. 
Sorry life's been a blur! I'll do better soon. I promise! 

Sometimes in life you can't prepare for things, no matter how hard you try. I know for myself, I make lists. Lists that say times I am going to do things, or everything that HAS to be done for the day, then I make maybe lists that have things I want to get done but are not completely necessary, and then of course the post-it that has all the fun things I actually want to do but can only do if there is time for, but sometimes you plan a whole week in your head and expect productiveness and a lot of lines drawn through your tasks on the to do list. It never ever works out how you plan though. It always gets a little messed up, whether you did something too early, missed it completely, or just practiced procrastinating at it's finest degree, or maybe you just couldn't prepare for the curveball that got thrown into the mix. That was my week spot on. It was a relaxing and calm weekend filled with family time and baby loving, until sunday came. We got up and went to church, and were all ready to head home for lunch when we received a call saying my uncle had passed away. Needless to say, school has been the last of my focuses since sunday afternoon at noon and there has not been one day this week where I haven't been home even if it was just for an hour or so. Death is never an easy or fun process to deal with, so expect some blogging about it the next couple days. I had two tests this week, one paper/project, and another paper all due pretty much by today (the day of the funeral). I am thankful God gave me the motivation last week to get both papers done because he knew I would not have been able to handle it today, and also thankful for a professor who let me take my test whenever I pleased. I have 8 days left, and cannot wait. I took one test this evening, and have one tomorrow afternoon. It was a blessing that one of my professors rewarded any one currently with an A in his class by spontaneously exempting us from the final, so I now only have two finals next week and a dorm to intensely clean! I'll try and be better about blogging.

P.S.- wanted to share something that was shared from my uncles memorial service
"God grant that I may live to fish until my dying day, And when it comes to lay my cast, I then most humbly pray That in the Lord's safe landing net, I am peacefully asleep And that in his mercy I be judged As big enough to keep"

Always loved you Uncle Bill, Always will.

Lots of Love.