Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Don't you ever grow up.

Today I am really thankful for these little rascals in my life.
If that doesn't make you smile then I am not sure what will. This wouldn't be considered a traditional family christmas card, but this is oh so typical. This is why I call them rascals. Of course baby Madi is cheerful with hands in the air and thigh rolls exposed, and Brent's got his struggling smile because this kid really is quite the camera one, but look what he's having to listen to, struggling much? The little thing he's listening to being my little 2 year old best friend. She's kinda of in that I'm gonna scream and cry whenever I want phase. Forgive her. She really is a cutie who runs to her own special beat on the drum. These kids are my joy. I've felt more love from these 3 kiddos in the past 2 years than by anyone ever before (except the little one is only 6 months, but time spent with her is always well spent!)

This is Brent Lee. He's a stud muffin, I know. Winner of kid right here. He has the sweetest eyes and the bravest heart. I am so proud to have him as a nephew, proud really doesn't do it justice to how much I love having him as a part of the family. He is adventurous, fun, creative, tough but yet still so very meek in his words and hugs. Plus he's got some seriously good dance moves and lyrics to songs! Love you Brent Lee. 
This is little Miss.Priss, aka Kaitlyn marie. She is something else let me tell you. Her personality is rather different than mine, but something about this girl drew me in from the moment I knew she was on the way. I was born into a family where I have 3 older sisters, and I am the youngest girl. I didn't get the opportunity to have a little sister but rather had to be the little sister. I think she filled that place in my heart, my little sister, mini me, or best friend. She is strong in her will, expressive in her words and facial expressions, independent, loud, but kind and caring. Proud to call this little tute my best friend (first time we called her that she remarked right back and said "I am not a tute!").
This is Madison. She is an angel, can't you tell? She's different, good different. She is sweet, sincere, and genuinely happy. She's gonna be a light that shines bright, she won't know though, but everyone else will see it from across the room. She's got the cutest giggle, just makes you feel like she understands everything your saying and is laughing with you. I believe she's gonna see all the good in the world, and as my sister Whittney said 
"You can see her soul in her eyes and it's just breathtaking". 
 It's really true and this little girl has a sweet sweet genuine soul. So excited to kiss her nose and cuddle with her soon, but even more excited to watch her grow up.

These kids are part of my world, and I've honestly given them a piece of my heart. Happy to call them mine, can't wait to see them, it's been the hardest thing living away from their sweet hearts, fun love, and morning cuddles. I am incredibly grateful to be an aunt.

Lots of Love. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On Running.

"The hardest part about running, is getting that first foot out the door."

This is entirely true, but even more so when you haven't been able to get the foot out of the door for the past couple days or more. I was doing so well on keeping track, pushing myself, and challenging my time to a little bit longer every day, but then the word tired slipped into my brain and I lost it. I went multiple days and did not include the gym in any of my daily schedules, but tonight, even though I knew it would be terribly hard, I did it. I tied up my running shoes, threw my hair into a bun, and went for it. Thats not to say that it was not hard, it was, and I struggled, but I also pushed. It feels so good to end a workout and know I am back to normal again and can go for it again tomorrow. That being said today I am thankful for 2 working legs, and a body that functions normally and healthy. Not all people have the capability to run on two legs and I think we often take a healthy body for granted, so today I am thankful for the ability to workout and run, but also for my legs for walking and running. 

Lots of Love. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Little piece of sunshine.

I've spent the last three days buried behind papers, 6 different books of literature, christmas music, and the smell of peppermint mocha. Although, the idea of me bundled up in a tiny booth/table in the corner of Starbucks buried in papers was comforting, it made me very tired.

To say I am tired is not the right word, because honestly I went to bed at 9:30 last night and didn't wake up until 8. Which means I should not be tired, but today I feel exhausted. I feel lethargic. Maybe, it was the rainy day or the fact that it turned dark outside my window earlier than what I've been used to, or the little cold I can feel sneaking upon me, but I am so ready for a break. I am just craving family time. Not just craving, desperate for some laughter with my sisters, coffee with my parents, and waking up to my favorite baby cuddles.

On the thankful side of things, I read a blog today in which a girl was discussing chivalry and the good men in the world, and used her dad as an example. I was quickly reminded about my dad's meek heart, sweet words, and welcoming smile. He truly is a hero in this world, and is completely unaware of it. He stands tall in the word of God, is the best provider for his family, and goes out of his way to please others in the smallest ways. I remember being in highschool and neither my sister or I could drive yet, so a lot o days my dad would get up early and go to Chickfila and get us a chicken biscuit to eat on the way to school every morning and he played the same song to put us in a good mood (up on the roof) or just any music by the drifters. He would pick up my friend often who had no ride to school, even if we didn't have enough time that morning. Still to this day my dad is up before anyone else making a hot pot of coffee for everyone to wake up too, and running out to get donuts so everyone has something to eat for breakfast. That my friends is a great dad. I have really been growing closer to my dad over the past year, and I can still feel us getting closer with each day. I can truly say I admire and love him. He has shown me what it is to be selfless in life. He would rather tip a terrible waiter at dinner an over abundant amount than knock their tip down because they had one off night, he would want them to have at least something to make them smile that night. My dad would rather buy a $100 dollar jacket because that is all the store had than have his daughter be cold at a baseball game. I am so incredibly thankful for my dad, he is a piece of sunshine in this world that will forever be appreciated.

He is really something special. 

Lots of Love. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 2

Today, I am exhausted and almost forgot to find what I was thankful for, but decided that today I am thankful for a big family. This is not me saying I am thankful for my family, because that will come later but just for the fact that I was born into such a crazy, chaotic, but always loving huge family. I live for that chaos, and am so wonderfully blessed to have such unique and caring sisters. I was especially thankful today when I got to have a long phone date after such a busy week. Having so much family is always special because there is always someone thinking about you and loving on you. I am very appreciative.

Short post tonight, but I've got some good things coming soon.

Lots of Love.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy November.

I have been so busy blurring through life, trying to fit in all the fall festivities possible before school just really got in the way. I have 5 tests, 2 quizzes, and 2 papers due before Thanksgiving, but I really wanted to find a way to enjoy and get through November, one day at a time. I decided after seeing multiple people do the same, to find one thing I am thankful for every day until Thanksgiving. It will make me appreciative of things I take for granted, and also can't hurt to find all the good in life especially on those days where I am struggling. I'm about a day late, but better late than never! I let boyfriend know and we decided to do it together. Today I chose to be thankful for the ability to go to school debt free. My parents are completely paying for school, and even though I found work, they don't expect me to have a job, but rather do well in school. It is not often these days that parents are capable of allowing this, so I am forever grateful that I received such a blessing from God. It is a blessing that will take off so much stress in the future, being able to graduate without debt and bills to pay, but also to go into marriage with no debt to add to me and my husbands finances. It is truly a burden off my shoulder, and I will do my best ability to do wonderful in return for my parents. I know they will see it completely worth it, if they know I got a wonderful education and worked hard during that time. Maybe, you will join me in finding thanks in life. It really changes your perspective on life.

Happy November everybody!

Lots of Love.