Monday, October 17, 2011

Chocolate, Tea, & Life's Little Breaks.

I am learning new things everyday in life, but especially lately been focused on the word; balance. I mean really what does it mean to be balanced? The technical definition is a place of "mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior judgment, etc". However when I think balanced, I think of all the different areas in my life, whether that be church, school, homework, friends, family, boyfriend, alone time, babysitting, and break time. How can a person be balanced when all of that is on her plate, and for some it's even more so because they have kids and husbands to take care of. This time in my life for me though just consists of the many that were named. I am learning a state of balance, which as of right now for means that I am to devote monday through thursday to school as a number one priority. That meaning that it is to be completed before everything else, and on the weekends it's split between dinners with friends, my boy, and waking up and enjoying a nice cup of coffee with the family. I've decided this is why I love home even more so now that I am in college, because it's a place away from the chaos, schedule, and priorities. I think an important lesson in life is to have fun in everything you do in life, because if you don't see the good and exciting things, then life becomes dull and dreary. This is why somedays even when the list is long and far from being achieved that it's ok to breathe, take a time out and wonder aimlessly through stores with friends finding special treasures, and treating yourself to frozen yogurt. Life should be filled with simple little breaks that let you get back on your feet again even just for an hour or two or maybe less. It is never regretted, and always worth it. I am slowly finding that place of balance, somedays it seems far fetch and other days it seems right on, perfectly proportioned, but thats just how life goes right? 

Today I chose to take a break after two midterms, 20 pages of reading, and wonder through World Market with a special friend. I found a tea diffuser to use for my new white chai tea momma bought me, honey made to go in my tea (my favorite), and a little treat, kinder chocolate. Mmmmm. It was all well worth it. 

Monday's done with, everyone can breathe and know where one day closer to the weekend.
Lots of Love. 

1 comment:

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I definitely found that I loved home so much more once I was away at school.